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Instructions: To be completed each Tuesday afternoon and handed to your Manager by 9.00am Wednesday. Approved timesheet should then be delivered to Payroll no later than 10.00 am Wednesday. Employee is responsible for completing section A (including totals); Manager to approve section D. Note: Wednesday should be assumed to involve normal working hours for the week in which pay is issued.

A. Name: Hoang Dang

Day Prior Wed** Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 07h45 08h00 13h30 12h00 14h00 12h30 17h15 17h30 Total hours for the week: ** Complete only if adjustments to prior Wednesday are required. 08h00 08h15 12h00 12h00 12h30 12h30 17h30 17h45 9 9 ---9 9 36 IN (am)

Department: BI
OUT (lunch) IN (after lunch) OUT (pm)

Week ending Weds: 08 FEB

IN (evening) OUT (evening) Total hours

Tick appropriate column if applicable: Annual Leave Stat holiday Sick day Unpaid leave

D. Time sheet approved by (Supervisors signature) ________________________

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