4th Grade Continental Math League Practice Questions - Set 1

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4th Grade Continental math league practice questions Set 1

1) How many triangles do you see in the picture?

2) In 8 minutes the time will be halfway between 4:00 and 4:20. What time is it now?

3) If one chicken can lay three eggs in four days, how many eggs can three chickens lay in 8 days?

4) Miss Green, Mrs. White, Mr. Black, and Mr. Brown are teachers. The men have one more student in their class than the number of the room they teach in. The women have two less students in their class than the number of the room they teach in. Miss Green is in room 24, Mr. White is in room 20 and Mr. Brown is in room 17. If the four teachers have a total of 82 students, in what room does Mr. Black teach?

Answers 1) 6 triangles

2) 4:02

3) 18 eggs

4) room 23

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