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Once there was a tiny bud who wished to reach the stars. Little Xenon prayed and begged the Goddess to grant her wish even at any cost. Her friends and family would laugh at her silly dream but Xenon ignores them because she knows that someday her dream would come true. Day and night she always looks up to pray again to the goddess for her desire. Xenon forgets her household chores and she always fails in her school because she had no other thought but just to reach the stars someday. Her parents started to worry. Xenon, please do wash the dishes before you leave, they would say. Mom, Ill be late in my meeting with the goddess, this time Im sure they would grant my wish, Xenon would answer. After eating she goes to the hilltop and looks up, she never looks down because she hates the view of the starving valley. Youre just fooling yourself, Xenon. The goddess doesnt answer stupid prayers, why dont you just come down and play with us. Dance with the breeze and sing with the birds, her friends would say. Go ahead, Ill just follow later, she answers. This happen always. Goddess Amethyst, knew the story of this persistent tiny bud and felt pity towards her. Goddess Amethyst sent her dove to watch Xenon and see if there is another way for her to renew her wish. Without hesitation the dove came to Xenon at the hilltop. I am I know who you are; youre the dove that Goddess has sent to grant my wish, right?exclaimed Xenon upon seeing the dove descends from heaven. Yes, I am. But Im not here to grant your wish instead ask you if you might want to change your wish. The stars in the sky lives there peacefully and they should not to be disturbed for it will cause trouble. The dove replied. No, thats the only wish I want for this life. Please I am begging the Goddess Amethyst. Please, please, please.. Xenon cried. The dove felt pity towards Xenon. Xenon was still crying when the dove left to report to the goddess. I feel sorry for her irrational thinking, my Lord, the dove said. I do, too, said the goddess. Heres one thing we could do, we should grant her pitiful wish, said the goddess. But, my Lord, that would destroy the equilibrium in your creation. There could be another way, said the dove. As she turns her back to her dove the goddess sighed and said off course there is another way, and that I was thinking for a long time. Holding her creation- dust she faced the dove, we will create another creature again. But we must be careful not to do imitation of the others. Since Xenon wants to reach the stars, well make a star that on her reach but not for her keeps. Stars

that would spark at night but hides at day, but my dear dove, it needs wings to fly and stay in the air. This creation would need sacrifice, and it needs your feather, my dear, said Amethyst. The dove nodded. At any cost, my Lord. I am willing to help. Even if it would cost me my ability to fly again to the earth, said the dove in agreement. At the hilltop, Xenon is still staring up towards the stars. Night came and she is still there. Her tired body fell asleep and her thought drifted in dreams. There she saw the goddess Amethyst descends and in her hands she had tiny stars happily greets her. My Lord, you are so gracious, my poor heart is grateful. You are dear to me, Xenon. I dont want you to feel sad; here is the star that you wish. Take care of it; it doesnt like hot places, so shelter them under the trees. You can only see them at night for they cant take the hotness of their mother, Sun, said Amethyst. It was all a dream but for Xenon its real. She saw the Goddess Amethyst and talked to her. As she opens her eyes, she saw a tiny creature on her nose. Sparkling, blinking and playing in her sight, these tiny stars invite to play with her. Oh, I would really love to, Xenon said happily. Now I would have no reason to be late for school, nor do my assignments, neither will I do my household chores. The all-seeing goddess with a dove in her arms looked down happily. Thank you, dear dove, Amethyst said while brushing the doves feather. Xenon went home happily with the stars. Her parents were happier to see the smile and eagerness in their daughter again. And thats the story why fireflies comes so tiny playing under the tree every night in the cold weather.

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