Sierra Clubevite 2012

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Please join the

San Francisco Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club

Sierra Club, SF Bay Chapter

along with Congressman John Garamendi & Lynn Jurich, Honorary Co-Chairs Invite you to join them for the

Friday March 9, 2012

for the

Annual David Brower Celebration

Commemorating his Centennial

3rd Annual

Friday, March 9, 2012 6:00 pm 9:00 pm

Emcee Rose Aguilar, Host of Your Call, KALW 91.7 fm

David Brower Celebration & Fundraiser

The David Brower Celebration
Like Sierra Club founder John Muir, David was a mountaineer who loved the American wilderness. In 1952, David became the Sierra Clubs first Executive Director, growing its membership by 75,000 during his seventeen years with the organization. He was a very active member of the SF Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club. While at the SF Bay Chapter, David helped create the influential Yodeler newspaper, and became its first editor. David also helped establish nine national parks and seashores including Redwood National Park and Point Reyes National Seashore. Under Davids leadership, the Sierra Club led a successful effort to stop the damming in the Grand Canyon. David ran full page ads in the NY Times asking Americans, Should we also flood the Sistine Chapel so tourists can get nearer the ceiling? Both his relentless organizing and creative strategies have come to symbolize the spirit of the Sierra Club.


Earthjustice Trailblazer Award Congresswoman Barbara Lee CA State Senator Leland Yee
Phil Burton Badge of Courage Award

IntercontInental San FrancISco, Grand Ballroom, 3rd Floor

5th & howard Street, San FrancISco
$150 per person Sponsorship Opportunities also available (see reply card or online)

Auction Heavy Hors doeuvres & Beverages Music Friends & Colleagues

Please reply online at OR by using the enclosed reply card. For more information, please contact Earp Events & Fundraising at 510-839-3100 or

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