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Bo Chen

1200 E. California Blvd. mailcode 136-93 Pasadena, CA 91125 Email: bchen3 at caltech dot edu EDUCATION California Institute of Technology, CA, United States PhD Computation and Neural Systems, Sep 2010 to Present University of British Columbia, BC, Canada MSc Computer Science, Sep 2008 to Aug 2010 GPA 4.0/4.0 Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada BSc Computer Science, Sep 2006 to Aug 2008 GPA 3.93/4.0 RESEARCH/WORK EXPERIENCE Rotation Vision Lab, Caltech, CA. Supervised by Prof. Pietro Perona, Spring 2011 ODohertys Human Reward and Decision Making Lab, Caltech, CA. Supervised by Prof. John ODoherty, Winter 2010 Computer Science Department, Caltech, CA. Supervised by Prof. Andreas Krause, Fall 2010 Research Assistant Laboratory for Computational Intelligence (LCI), University of British Columbia, BC, Canada Learning Invariant Representations of the Visual World, supervised by Prof. Nando de Freitas, Fall 2009 Understanding Sparseness in Coding Natural Images, supervised by Prof. Nando de Freitas, Summer 2009 Vision and Media Lab (VML), Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada Motion Registration for Human Action Recognition, supervised by Dr. Greg Mori, Summer 2008 Parallelization of Pedestrian Detection Algorithms, supervised by Dr. Alexandra Fedorova and Dr. Greg Mori, Fall 2007 to Spring 2008 Geometric Blur in Human Pose Recognition, supervised by Dr. Greg Mori, Summer 2007 Course Scheduling Using Linear Programming, supervised by Prof. Lou Hafer and Prof. Ramesh Krishnamurti, Summer 2007 Shape Context in Human Pose Recognition, supervised by Dr. Greg Mori, Spring 2007 Teaching Assistant Computer Science Department, University of British Columbia, BC, Canada CPSC 301 Numerical Approximation and Discretization, instructor: Prof. Ian Mitchell, Spring 2009 CPSC 340 Machine Learning and Data Mining, instructor: Prof. Nando de Freitas, Fall 2008

PUBLICATIONS Bo Chen, Jo-Anne Ting, Benjamin Marlin and Nando de Freitas. Deep Learning of Invariant Spatio-Temporal Features from Video. NIPS Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning Workshop, 2010 Benjamin Marlin, Kevin Swersky, Bo Chen and Nando de Freitas.Inductive Principles for Restricted Boltzmann Machine Learning, International Conference on Articial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2010 Haiyang Wang, Jiangchuan Liu, Bo Chen, Ke Xu and Zhen Ma. On the Tracker Selection for BitTorrent Trafc Locality, The IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), 2010 Bo Chen, Kevin Swersky, Benjamin Marlin and Nando de Freitas. Sparsity Priors and Boosting for Learning Localized Distributed Feature Representations. Technical Report TR-2010-04. University of British Columbia, Department of Computer Science Kevin Swersky, Bo Chen, Benjamin Marlin and Nando de Freitas. A Tutorial on Stochastic Approximation Algorithms for Training Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Deep Belief Nets. Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, 2010 Bo Chen, Nhan Nyuyen and Greg Mori. Human Pose Estimation with Rotated Geometric Blur, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2008 Bo Chen, William Pak Tun Ma, Yan Tan, Alexandra Fedorova and Greg Mori, GreenRT: A Framework for the Design of Power-Aware Soft Real-Time Applications, Workshop on the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architecture (WIOSCA), 2008 HONORS/AWARDS Caltech CNS Division Fellowship, Academic Year 2010-2011 University Graduate Fellowship, Academic Year 2009-2010 Deans Honor Roll of Computer Science, Spring and Summer 2008 Open Scholarship, Simon Fraser University, Spring 2007 to Summer 2008 Matthew LeDuc Memorial Scholarship, Spring 2008 MDSI Mobile Data Solutions Peter Kam Scholarship Spring 2008 Alumni Scholarship, Simon Fraser University, Summer 2007 First Class Scholarship, Zhejiang University, Academic Year 2004-2005 First Prize of Scientic and Technological Innovation, Academic Year 2004-2005 Excellent Undergraduate Student Scholarship, Academic Year 2004-2005 COMPETITIONS World Finalist, representing Simon Fraser University, ranked 47 out of 100 in ACM-ICPC Programming Competition, Banff, Canada, Apr 2008 Finalist, representing China in the 12th All-Asians English Debate Competition, Langkawi, Malaysia, May 2006 Finalist, representing Zhejiang, ranked 12 out of 100 in CCTV Cup National English Speaking Contest, Beijing China, Aug 2005

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