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Lesson Nine for Students


Marks of Leadership

DIRECTIONS: Leaders shape our world. Evaluate leaders who are described in newspaper stories.

When you see qualities exhibited by leaders, in and out of government, write their names beside the descriptions and the specific actions that support your choices. If you identify other qualities that describe a leader, add to the list below. QUALITY ___They serve others. LEADERS NAME/date SPECIFIC ACTION

___They develop leadership in others. ___They listen to others and communicate well. ___They are good planners and decision makers. ___They inspire others. ___They learn and grow. ___They have positive attitudes. ___They have integrity. ___They accept responsibility. ___They take risks. ___They take good care of themselves. ___They are good followers.* ___
FOLLOW-UP: Before and/or after completing this activity, mark with a star * any qualities that you

consider most important in a leader. Indicate which are most important in an elected official by circling the qualities.
*What Do You Stand For? A Kids Guide to Building Character

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