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Level of Disciplined Student of SBNHS for School year 2011 - 2012 SURVEY

Name :_____________________ Year & Section :___________________

DIRECTION : Read the questions properly then, Put CHECK on the BOX given if
your answer is Yes or No .. ( BE HONEST !)
1. Do you prefer to wear outside dress instead of wearing proper uniform every school days? YES NO 2. Are you using the toilet in our school properly? YES N NO 3. Do you throw your garbage at the right place? YES N NO 4. Are you the kind of students who are always late? YES N NO 5. Do you think that we have to give consequences for those students that are late? YES N NO 6. Do you follow all the instructions given by your teachers on his/her class? YES N NO 7. Are you doing your assignments & projects at the right time? YES N NO 8. Do you clean your classroom? YES N NO 9. Do you bring your books every school days? YES N NO 10. Are you bullying your co-students? YES N NO 11. Do you follow the rules & regulation in our school? YES N NO 12. Are you doing cutting-classes? YES N NO 13. Do you give answers to your classmates every time you have a test or quiz? YES N NO 14. Do you think that we have to change the rules and regulation of our school? YES N NO 15. Can you say that you are a disciplined student? YES N NO

Thank you & God bless! __________________ Signature

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