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1.How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?

During planning and research we took some time to look at some professional pieces of work that all in general follow the code and conventions, from this knowledge we are confident that it would help us and aid us to create our ancillary tasks and trailer to meet the conventions as follows. We looked at some contemporary media one of which was The Terminator salvation we saw that they kept a very similar theme and back ground contrast that helps to create synergy and has a distinctive relations between the two product of film magazine cover and film poster. We couldn t help noticing that they also used the name of one of the star characters and the selling point of the film of the film Christian bale in the two products to cause brand awareness. The well-known robot terminator is also present which the whole film and every other squeal that came before it is based upon. They have proficiently incorporated the robot really well in the two products only revealing a metal arm that could easily be identified as the terminators. In our brainstorming session we discussed about how the usual suspects are the female protagonist in horror films and always becoming the final girl. So we thought to pursue this format of conception by having kirshna as the predominant actor that is a strong individual and conventionally the final girl . As Dilan is a new actor so it was appropriate to have an exclusive interview with him stated in the magazine cover so that the audience will become more aware of his presence in later featured films and perhaps push start to becoming a well profound actor. Furthermore to add in the poster the center image is faded only revealing half of Dilans face known to the audience as Shaun , this is a clear indication that he s secretive and is hiding behind an innocent face. This connotes that he looks dangerous as also shown in the trailer he s using aggression against kirshna, which signifies he can t be trusted. I believe each of our ancillary tasks worked effectively with our trailer to create synergy. For our ancillary task we decided to create a magazine cover and a film poster. During the planning and research it was vital that we learnt from our studies and implement them to our horror media products. We tried to follow as much of the conventions as possible and also to include some of our own ideas that might help to create synergy and to work well together to achieve some appeal from the targeted audience. By using similar font and colours to compliment each text successfully we used red a lot more often so that it signifies a relationship that links all the products together as to assume that audience will identify our film horror instantly. The main significance of the ancillary tasks was the use of the main characters for the center image on both the products so that audience could link it back to the trailer. We felt that with the help of promoting our ancillary tasks on websites that we worked with effectively to spread awareness virally to a wider audiences in an efficient way. We used a website well known for its social activities 'Facebook', as we assumed that it would reach a lot of users of this website that come under our target audience.

We tried to keep our ancillary task simple as possible because we didn t want to reveal a lot from the products. So we only noted down the most important aspects that should be presented to the audience such as text referring to director of the film which would have already have a fan based coherent image in place, furthermore the date of release and names of the main actors for the poster. With the magazine similarly used same font and colour theme so that audience can relate this product back to the main product. Dark setting was used to conceal the true identity of the antagonist both in the poster and the magazine cover. There wasn t much eccentric designing but kept it simplistic and easy to perceive as a horror themes film and giving relevant information to the users of the product. In all the products the name of the film 'Tormented' is present and clearly shown to the users, which they can't miss. The name alone created enigma to the film as a whole. Finally when creating the ancillary tasks, the use of basic detail and little information created the strong awareness as the audience questioned the appearance in the idea of wanting to know more therefore they would go onto watch the trailer. Overall as a group we felt that we managed to keep in line with simplicity and concise information that kept the audience at their feet with high anticipation to watch the film. Our main strength of all our products were to portray the antagonist and include his image in every product, but understood the importance of creating synergy by using the perfect combination to put it all together.

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