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MBA-CET Model Paper

dozen or so houses and families, was economically vulnerable; but when several villages, probably under the direction of a council of elders, learned to share their human resources in the building of a coordinated network of water-control systems, the safety, stability, and prosperity of all improved. In this new cooperation, the seeds of the great Mesopotamian civilizations were being sown. Technological and mathematical inventions, too, were stimulated by life along rivers. Such devices as the noria ( a p r i m i t i ve wa t e r w h e e l ) a n d t h e Archimedean screw (a device for raising water from the low riverbanks to the high ground where it was needed), two forerunners of many more varied and complex machines were first developed here for use in irr igation systems. S i m i l a r l y, t h e e a r l i e s t m e t h o d s o f measurement and computation and the first developments in geometry were stimulated by the need to keep track of land holdings and boundaries in fields that were periodically inundated. The rivers served as high roads of the earliest commerce. Traders used boats made of bundles of rushes to transport grains, fruits, nuts, fibers, and textiles from one village to another, transforming the rivers into the central spines of nascent commercial kingdoms. Trade expanded surprisingly widely, we have evidence suggesting that even before the establishment of the first Egyptian

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Directions (Qs. 1 to 7) : Read the following passage to answer these questions :

As the climate in the Middle East changed beginning around 7000 B.C., conditions emerged that were conductive to a more complex and advanced form of civilization in both Egypt and Mesopotamia. The process began when the swampy valleys of the Nile in Egypt and of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Mesopotamia became drier, producing riverine lands that were both habitable and fertile, and attracting settlers armed with the newly-developed techniques of agriculture. This migration was further encouraged by the gradual transformation of the once hospitable grasslands of these regions into deserts. Human population became increasingly concentrated into pockets of settlement scattered along the banks of the great rivers. These rivers profoundly shaped the way of life along their banks. In Mesopotamia, the management of water in conditions of unpredictable drought, flood and stor m became the central economic and social challenge. Villagers began early to build simple earthworks, dikes, canals and ditches to control the waters and reduce the opposing dangers of drought during the dry season (usually the spring) and flooding at harvest time. Such efforts required a degree of cooperation among large numbers of people that had not previously existed. The individual village containing only a

dynasty, goods were being exchanged between villagers in Egypt and others as far away as Iran. Similar developments were occurring at much the same time along the great river valleys in other parts of the worldfor example, along the Indus in India and the Hwang Ho in China. The history of early civilization has been shaped to a remarkable degree by the relation of humans and rivers. 1. This passage basically explains (a) The similarities and differences among s evera l ancient societies (b) The influence of r iver settlements on the growth of early civilizations (c) How climatic changes led to the founding of the earliest recorded cities. 5. 4.

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

(b) Land owners (c) Traders and merchants (d) Mechanical artisans The passage indicates that the social effects of the unpredictability of water supplies in Mesopotamia was (a) To encourage cooperation in the creation of water management systems (b) To drive farmers to settle in fertile grasslands far from the uncontrollable rivers (c) To cause warfare over water rights among rival villages

(d) None of the above The passage refers to the earliest trade routes in the Middle East (a) Between various centrally-ruled commercial kingdoms (b) Between linked villages in Egypt with others in Iran (c) Between connected villages that were scattered along the banks of the same river

(d) The development of primitive technologies in the ancient Middle East 2. According to the passage, the increasing aridity of formally fertile grasslands in Egypt and Mesopotamia caused the settlement patterns in those regions to become (a) Less nomadic (b) Less stable (c) More concentrated (d) More sparse 3. The passage implies that the earliest geometry was practised primarily by (a) Farm workers 6.

(d) Between the inhabitants of small villages and the dynastic kings who ruled them The passage implies that the emerg ence of complex civilizations in the Middle East was dependent upon the previous development of (a) A system government of centralised

(b) Symbolic systems for writing and mathematical computation

(c) A method of stor ing and transferring wealth 10.

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Nuance : Subtle (a) Pun : Sarcastic (b) Fib : Honest (c) Inquiry : Discreet (d) Hint : Indirect 11. Arena : Conflict (a) Mirage : Reality (b) Forum : Discussion (c) Asylum : Pursuit (d) Utopia : Place 12. Hierarchy : Ranked (a) Equation : Solved (b) Critique : Biased (c) Chronology : Sequential (d) Infinity : Fixed

(d) Basic techniques of agriculture 7. By referring to emerging civilizations in India & China, the author wants to emphasize the (a) Relatively advanced position enjoyed by the Middle East in comparison to other regions (b) Rapidity with which social systems developed in the Middle East spread to other places (c) Crucial role played by rivers in the development of human cultures around the world

(d) Impor tance of water transportation in the growth of early trade

Directions (Qs. 8 & 9) : Choose the alternative closest in meaning to the given word :
8. Askance (a) Side glance (b) Quizzical expression (c) Request 9. Virtuoso (a) Skilled performer (b) Amateur (d) Professional (c) Good person (d) Curious look

Directions (Qs. 13 to 16) : Read the following passage carefully to answer these questions :
Come with me to Kiebera, the largest shanty town in sub-Saharan Africa. More than 500,000 people live in this vast illegal section of Nairobi in mud huts on mud streets, with no fresh water or sanitation. Walk down Kieberas sodden pathways and youll see a great deal of hunger, poverty, and disease. But youll also find health clinics, beauty salons, grocery stores, bars, restaurants, tailors, clothiers, churches, and schools. In the midst of squalor and open sewage, business is booming. Indeed, Kieberas underground economy is so vibrant that it has produced its own squatter millionaire, someone I have known for years. From his start a generation ago, selling cigarettes and biscuits from the window of his hut, this Kenyan (he asked to remain unnamed) has assembled an empire that includes

Directions (Qs. 10 to 12) : Each of these questions consists of a related pair of words or phrases, followed by four pairs of words or phrases labelled (a) through (d). Select the pair that best expresses the relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair :

pharmacies, groceries, bars, beverage distribution outlets, transportation and manufacturing firms, and even real estate. Families flock to Kiebera for the same reason country folk have always migrated to the city-in search of opportunity. In the city, they find work but not a place to live. So they build illegally on land they dont own. There are a billion squatters in the world today, almost one in six people on the planet. And their numbers are on the rise. Current projections are that by 2030, there will be two billion squatters, and by 2050, three billion, better than one in three people on the planet. In itself, it is nothing to worry about, for squatting has long had a positive role in urban development. Many urban neighbourhoods in Europe and North America began as squatter outposts. London and Paris boasted huge swaths of mud-and-stick homes, even during the glory years of the British and French monarchies. Squatters were a significant force in most US cities, too. It would no doubt surprise residents paying millions for co-op apartments on Manhattens Upper East and West Sides to know that squatters occupied much of the turf under their buildings until the start of the 20th century. (c)

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Squatting has long had a positive role in urban development

(d) All of the above 14. The prosperity of Kieberas underground economy is described by the author through (a) The description of Kiebera

(b) The description of his friends businesses (c) The comparison with co-op apartments of Manhatten

(d) The history of London and Paris 15. T h e a u t h o r p u t s fo r w a rd t h e thesis that (a) Squatters will continue to rise in numbers in the coming years irrespective of whether they are from poor countries or not (b) There is nothing wrong in squatting on the land of a stranger (c) London & Par is shantytowns too are

(d) Even today, squatters live under the Manhattens co-op apartments 16. What is the most appropriate title for this passage ? (a) Kiebera-Squatters Paradise of Nairobi (b) Squatters of the World (c) Squatter Cities

...... from an ar ticle by Rober t Neuwirth.

13. The author argues that Kiebera becoming the shantytown is not unusual because (a) Kiebera has many poor people who have come to earn but have no land to live on (b) Researchers have predicted that squatters will continue to grow in numbers

(d) Future of Squatters

Directions (Qs. 17 to 19) : Choose the correct alternative to complete the meaning of the given sentence :

17. The ........... managed to deceive the entire village. (a) Renegade (b) Sycophant (c) Charlatan (d) Actor 18. She ordered the taxi driver, Drive faster, ............. ? (a) Wont you (b) Will you (c) You must (d) Cant you 19. Her written statement failed to be consistent ........... what she had said earlier. (a) On (c) In (b) With (d) To (a) Vein

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

(b) Obvious truth (c) Foreboding (d) Prediction 23. Choose the correct set of alternatives to fill in the blanks : Although many of the members were ...... about the impending deal, others were .........about the benefits it would bring. (a) Euphoric ............ Confident (b) Optimistic ............ Dubious (c) Angry .......... Skeptical (d) Confused ........... Pleased 24. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed by the original pair. BROOK : RIVER Artery Highway Alley Paper (b) Path (c) Yard (d) Pen

20. Choose the antonym nearest in meaning to the given word : Facetious : (a) Serious (b) Uneasy (c) Pleasant (d) Cross 21. Which one of the following alternatives is spelt correctly ? (a) Extacy (b) Ecstasy (c) Ecstacy (d) Extasy 22. Choose the correct alternative that best explains the following idiom:

25. But for cancer I would not have given up smoking . But in this sentence is (a) An adverb (b) A preposition (c) An adjective (d) A verb 26. Here is my list oranges, potatoes, garbage bags and a tooth brush. After the word list, identify which one of the following is required ? (a) Colon (b) Quotation marks (c) Semicolon (d) None of these

Writing on the wall

(a) Graffiti

27. Identify the grammatical error in the following sentence by choosing one of the alternatives : My main reason for learning pharmacy was that my brother was one. (a) Dangling modifier (b) Faulty parallelism (c) Faulty reference by pronoun (d) The sentence is correct 28. For the following pair of sentences, choose the correct option : I. II. The team quickly took their positions on the field. The team quickly took its position on the field.

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

32. Identify the incorrect one : (a) The coach together with his team was praised (b) Many a boy is tempted to sing (c) The king with all his sons were imprisoned

(d) Neither James nor his lawyers were there 33. Identify the sentence that gives the same meaning as the following : He said, Yes, Ill come and see you. (a) He accepted that he will come and see me (b) He said that he will come and see me (c) He agreed that he will come and see me

(a) The first sentence is wrong (b) The second sentence is wrong (c) Both are correct (d) Both are wrong

(d) He said that he would come and see me

Directions (Qs. 29 & 30) : Choose erroneous UNDERLINED segment :

29. He carried his clothes (a)/ in a black heavy (b)/ steel trunk.(c)/ No error (d) 30. The corpse (a)/ had been dead (b)/ for five days. (c)/ No error (d) 31. Identify the odd one : (a) Ashoka was one of the greatest kings (b) Ashoka was greater than many other kings (c) Ashoka was the greatest king

Directions (Qs. 34 to 37) : In these questions, choose one option out of the following to fill in the blanks :
(a) A (c) The (b) An (d) None of these

34. I had met him ............. year ago. 35. Can you see .......... moon ? 36. He is .............. honourable man. 37. ........... people with little patience rarely succeed. 38. Choose the correct arrangement of the following jumbled sentences of a paragraph to make it coherent :

(d) Very few kings were as great as Ashoka

The first sentence is :

Barely a year had elapsed before the Pritzker clan began to squabble. L. Under the plan, he has until 2011 to distribute the assets among the heirs. The family was no longer cohesive whole, they wrote, and therefore the business needed the kind of transparency a public corporation might have. A year later, the family agreed on a governing structure for the Pritzker Organisation, requiring Tom to open the books, hold annual meetings of family shareholders and issue regular financial reports. In summer 2000, Toms two brothers and a handful of his cousins sent a letter asking him to restructure the holdings. (b) MLON (d) ONML

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

(a) EPF is an efficiently managed organization about which no one knows correctly. (b) EPF is an organization. (c) inefficient


EPF Organisation takes care of future fund requirements of investors adequately.

(d) EPF Organisation does not have enough funds to take care of secure future. 40. Two recent World Bank studies on Indias rapidly depleting water resources have caused quite a stir. More interesting is how water seems to have become the new focus area for Bank assistance : at $ 3.2 billion in 2005-08 from a mere $ 700 million in 1999-04. Within water again, more money is going to rural water, large hydropower projects, and water resource management in poorer states. Choose the statement that summarises the above paragraph the best : (a) Indias water resources are depleting. (b) The two World Bank studies of India have caused a stir. (c) The World Bank assistance to India for developing water resources has increased more than 4 times for 2005-08 as compared to the prior period.



(a) NMOL (c) OMNL

39. Time to bust some myths about the EPF Organisation, Indias only social security fund manager for non-government workers, though what follows is not published on a regular basis. Active membership is just about 5 percent, and only 17 percent of the members account for 84 percent of the balances. Thats only Rs. 20000 each! Less than 7 percent have a deposit amount more than 5 lakh! Choose the statement closest to the idea expressed in this paragraph ;

(d) Poorer states of India require water resource management projects such as rural water and large hydropower projects.

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Directions (for Q. 41 to Q. 45) : Given below are three passages. Read the passages and answer the questions given after each passage :

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

dismal picture. In some countries, the ratio of boys to girls in secondary schools is more than seven to one. In Afghanistan, Turkey and Tunisia most sizeable towns have some sort of dormitory or pension where boys from a village may live while they attend high school. There are few or none for girls. Even at the primary school level, especially in rural areas, the number of boy students greatly exceeds that of girls. What happens to the girls ? Often they are kept at home to look after younger siblings and to perform a variety of domestic chores. Their education is not perceived as in any way equal in importance to that of boys. When an illiterate, or barely literate girl reaches adolescence, she has little or no qualification for employment even if her community provides any opportunity for employment of women, so the solution is to get her married as soon as possible, with the inevitable result that she produces children too soon, too late and too often'. With no education she is hardly aware that there is any alternative. In a study made in Thailand, it was noted that the educated woman marries later and ceases childbearing earlier than her less educated counterpart. But the uneducated village woman is so chained to her household by the necessities of gathering fuel, preparing food and tending children that she is very difficult to reach, even if health ser vices, nutrition education, maternal and child health centres are available in her community. She cannot understand what they are intended to do. Not only does the lack of education among women make the dissemination of nutrition education difficult, it appears also to be a major obstacle to campaigns for family planning. It is significant that one

Among the natural resources which can be called upon in national plans for development, possibly the most important is human labour. Without a productive labour force, including effective leadership and intelligent middle management, no amount of foreign assistance or of natural wealth can ensure successful development and modernisation. In this, one essential factor is usually overlooked or ignored. The forgotten factor is the role of women. Development will be handicapped as long as women remain second-class citizens, uneducated, without any voice in family or community decisions, without legal or economic status, marr ied when they are still practically children and thencefor th producing one baby after another, often only to see half of them die before they are of school age. We can enhance development by improving `womanpower', by giving women the oppor tunity to develop themselves. The principle seems established that an educated mother has healthier and more intelligent children, and that this is related to the fact that she has fewer children. The tendency of educated, upper-class mothers to have fewer children operates even without access to contraceptive services, as was noted in Western Europe before the turn of the century. If we examine the opportunities for education of girls or women in the less developed countries, we usually find a

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of the more successful family planning efforts has been in Korea, where literacy is over 80 percent. Thailand, Singapore, HongKong and Taiwan have also had more satisfactor y results than, for example, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India or Indonesia, where a large proportion of the female population is illiterate. The education level of women is significant also because it has a direct influence upon their chances of employment; and the number of employed women in a country's total labour force has a direct bearing on both the Gross National Product and the disposable income of the individual family. The specific courses of action necessary to raise the status of women must vary widely from one country to another, but in general they should be concerned with four main objectives which correspond with four areas of activity in the life of a woman.

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

other matters of local concern. If the allmale society of the tea house or tavern cannot be reached, then associations and organisations of women must be encouraged and their opinions and wishes granted equal attention.

Fourth, the law : The legal status of women must be changed or modified to give women equal rights in matters of marriage and divorce, proper ty and inher itance, control over their own earnings, and a voice in local and national government.
Until women are given the opportunity to become separate and complete human beings, their own potential for productivity is wasted. Until they become separate and complete human beings', they will perpetuate in their children those characteristics which are least conducive to development. Viewed in this light, the education of women and the improvement of their social, economic, legal and political status become more than the focus of an emotional crusade for human rights. They must be acknowledged as a prerequisite to national development and given a high priority for strictly practical reasons. 41. Which of the following is most impor tant for the successful development and moderni-sation of a nation ? (a) Natural wealth (b) Effective leadership (c) Foreign assistance (d) Productive labour force 42. According to the passage educational opportunities are (a) More for boys than girls in most countries.

First, the school : Girls must have equal educational opportunities, and their equal need for education must be recognised. Second, the home : Women must be provided with some respite from the incessant labour and the hazards and difficulties associated with domestic life under primitive conditions. This could take the form of improved housing, pure water supply, community mills, bakeries and laundries, and also the provision of daycare centres where younger children may be left while the mother undertakes other work, whether in the home or outside it. Third, the community : Women must be permitted a voice in the affairs, not only of the household, but also of the village or town. They must be involved in the conduct of schools, health centres and

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(b) Same for boys and gir ls in developed countries. (c) Less for gir ls than boys in developing countries. (c)

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Do not want to work (d) Produce children too often 47. The education level of women is significant because it ultimately leads to (a) Increase in the family income. (b) Increase in gross national product. (c) Increase in their chance of employment.

(d) Not at all available for girls in developing countries. 43. A village woman is unable to understand what different services are intended for because (a) She is busy in rearing children (b) She gathers food (c) She is chained to her husband

(d) Increase in healthy children. 48. Which of the following will make women separate and complete human beings ? (a) Employment (b) Nutrition (c) (d) Human rights Education

(d) She is uneducated 44. Very often girls who stay at home (a) Spend their time studying (b) Try their best to please their parents (c) Have large number of domestic duties for

(d) Prepare themselves employment.

49. They will perpetuate in their children .............. Here perpetuate means (a) Improve for use (b) Dissolve finely (c) Preserve forever

45. The main obstacle in the family planning campaign is (a) Unemployment among women (b) Lack of education among women (c) Objection from the community

(d) Persist longlastingly 50. According to the passage which type of women will perpetuate in their children those characteristics which are least conducive to development ? (a) Uneducated women (b) Educated women (c) Village women

(d) Dissemination of nutr ition education 46. Even if there are opportunities for employment, women do not usually get it because they (a) Are not educated (b) Are inferior to men

(d) Unemployed women

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[ MBA-CET Model Papers

We live in a curious age. We are offered glimpses of genuine wor ld civilisation slowly emerging- the U.N. special agencies, organisations like Oxfam, and here and there, as I have seen for myself, remote enterprises, dedicated to healing or education, with international staff of selfless enthusiasts. And such glimpses warm the heart and brighten hope. But along with these are sights and sounds that suggest that the whole fabric of civilisation, the work of centuries, is rapidly being torn apar t. Two official policies clash, and instantly embassies, consulates, centres of infor mation ser vices, are surrounded and then attacked by howling mobs of students, at once defying law, custom, usage. And that this may not be merely so many hotheaded lads escaping all control, that it may itself be part of government policy, mob antics as additional propaganda to deceive wor ld opinion, makes our situation even worse. It is as if we were all compelled to exist now in a sinister circus. No doubt, gover nments have always been dishonest and hypocritical, but not it is beginning to look as if powermania is ready to destroy those longaccepted forms and civilities that make international relations possible. The time may soon come when ambassadors will have to move around in tanks, and embassies and consulates will have to be for tified or abandoned. And perhaps students on admittance will be given machine-guns and flame-throwers. There is something else, just as bad, perhaps even worse, and evidence of it is amply supplied to us by TV cameras and mikes. What we see in these student faces illuminated by burning cars and bonfires of books is not the glow of political

enthusiasm but a frenzied delight in destruction. Whatever country or part they may be demonstrating for or against, what really inspires them is an urge towards violent demolition. They don't know- and may never know- how to make anything worth having, but they need no courses on wrecking and destroying. If degrees were given in window-smashing, caroverturning, furniture-firing, they would all have them with honours. They may still be weak in sciences and the arts, medicine and the law, but they already have Firsts in Hooliganism. I doubt if some of them even know which side they are shouting for, their minds having abandoned the intricate and tedious arguments of politics a they joyfully contemplate the destruction of other people's property. What sort of doctors and lawyers and chemists and teachers of languages they will make, we cannot tell; but there should be no shortage of recruits with degrees for demolition squads and wrecking crews. Soon, there may appear on many a campus those huge iron balls with which New York keeps knocking itself down. At a signal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, out they will roll, to demolish, an embassy or two before it is time for any evening seminars. 51. The theme of this passage is (a) Emergence of world civilisation (b) Destruction of inter national relations. (c) Demonstration and demolition

(d) Increasing destr uctiveness among students 52. The present age has been described as a curious age by the author. It is curious because

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(a) It is a mixture of selfless service and violent destruction (b) Governments are dishonest and hypocritical (c) Students go on violent destruction of anything. (c)

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

(a) Countries Students (b) Embassies

(d) Governments 57. As they joyfully contemplate the destruction ............ Contemplate here means (a) Take up (b) Think about (c) Look up (d) Give up

(d) International relations hang by a delicate wire. 53. By world civilisation, the author means (a) The relations between various countries of the world (b) The acts of goodness where people of different countries are involved. (c) Long accepted forms of civilities between the countries.

58. When the embassies are mobbed by students, what makes the situation worse ? (a) That the students are defying law and custom. (b) That the students are destroying public property. (c) That it may itself be par t of government policy.

(d) The advancement in sciences, arts, medicine and law. 54. In the second paragraph, the author's tone is mainly (a) Angry (c) Ironical (b) Sad (d) Humorous

(d) That the two official policies have clashed. 59. The long accepted forms and civilities that make international relations possible are destroyed when the government become (a) Hypocritical (b) Dishonest (c) Power hungry

55. Which of the following does not suggest that the whole fabric of civilisation is being torn apart ? (a) Embassies attacked by mobs of students. (b) Enthusiasts engaged in healing in a village (c) Burning cars and bonfires of books.

(d) Violent 60. What is it that really inspires the students to destroy ? (a) Government's policies (b) Political enthusiasm (c) Propaganda and arguments

(d) Dishonest and hypocr itical government 56. I doubt if some of them even know ..... Here them refers to

(d) Urge for destruction

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[ MBA-CET Model Papers

In the eighteenth century, one of the first modern economists, Adam Smith, thought that the whole annual produce of the land and labour of every country provided revenue to three different orders of people : Those who live by rent, those who live by wages and those who live by profit. Each successive stage of the industrial revolution, however, made the social structure more complicated. Many intermediate groups grew up during the nineteenth century between the upper middle class and the working class. There are small scale industrialists as well as large ones, small shopkeepers and tradesmen, officials and salar ied employees, skilled and unskilled workers, and professional men such as doctors and teachers. Farmers and peasants continue in all countries as independent groups. In spite of this development, one of the most famous writers on social class in the nineteenth century, Karl Marx, thought that there was a tendency for society to split into huge class camps, the bourgeoisie (the capitalists) and the proletariat (the workers). Influential as was Marx's theory of social class, it was much over-simplified. The social make-up of modern societies is much more complex than he suggested. 61. Adam Smith's eighteenth century definition of class was invalidated by (a) Karl Marx.

(d) Successive stages of industrial revolution 62. The small shopkeepers and tradesmen are regarded as an intermediate group (a) Between the upper class and the middle class (b) Between the upper middle class and working class (c) (d) Within the working class Within the upper middle class

63. According to the passage doctors and teachers belong to the (a) Upper class (b) Upper middle class (c) Working class

(d) Middle class 64. Karl Marx developed his two-class theory (a) In spite of the far mers and peasants. (b) Marking special allowance for professionals (c) Even though new sub-classes were appearing in his days

(d) With reference to European societies only. 65. Marx's theory of social class (a) Was oversimplified by the bourgeoisie (b) Influential because it was oversimplified (c) Influential in spite of being oversimplified

(b) The nineteenth century working class (c) The continuation of farmers and peasants as independent groups.

(d) Not widely known in nineteenth century.

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Directions (for Q. 66 to Q. 75) : For each of the underlined words, four words are given. Choose the word which is nearest to its meaning :
66. Despondent (a) Hopeful (b) Desperate (c) One who has lost hope (c)

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Make indifferent (d) Make faithful 72. Ingenious (a) Home made (b) Skillfully devised (c) Locally developed

(d) Artificially prepared 73. Versatile (a) Experienced in one's profession (b) Capable of surviving on one's own (c) Famous for one's art

(d) Faithless 67. Knave (a) Simple (b) Loyal (c) Aloof

(d) Dishonest 68. Empathy (a) Sympathy (b) Understanding (c) Emotional

(d) Talented in many ways 74. Admonish (a) Rebuke (b) Find out (c) Praise

(d) Cooperativeness 69. Consensus (a) Number of people (b) Counting of population (c) Unanimous opinion

(d) Follow 75. Corroborate (a) Contain (b) Confirm (c) Continue

(d) Dangerous proposition 70. Fiscal (a) Relating to public revenue (b) Relating to fees (c) Relating to fish

(d) Consider

Directions (for Q. 76 to Q. 80) : In the following sentences, there is an error or there is no error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error. If there is no error, then mark (d) as your answer.
76. I will always, remember (a)/ you standing by me (b)/ and offering me encouragement (c)/ No error (d) 77. As soon as the sun rose (a)/ over the mountains (b)/ the valley

(d) Relating to fines 71. Aggravate (a) Make worse (b) Make effective

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became unbearable hot (c) / No error (d) 78. The value of the rupee declines (a) / as the rate of (b)/ inflation raises (c)/ No error (d) 79. He is not (a) / the kind of person (b) / who accepts such treatment passively. (c) / No error (d). 80. I should like you be candid (a)/ and tell me exactly (b) / what you think of this plan. (c) / No error (d). Ans. 37. (d) Ans. 39. (a) Ans. 41. (d) Ans. 43 (d) Ans. 45. (b) Ans. 47. (b) Ans. 49. (c) Ans. 51. (c) Ans. 53. (b) Ans. 55. (b) Ans. 57. (b) Ans. 59. (c) Ans. 1. (b) Ans. 3. (a) Ans. 5. (b) Ans. 7. (c) Ans. 9. (a) Ans. 11. (b) Ans. 13. (d) Ans. 15. (a) Ans. 17. (c) Ans. 19. (b) Ans. 21. (b) Ans. 23. (b) Ans. 25. (a) Ans. 27. (c) Ans. 2. (c) Ans. 4. (a) Ans. 6. (b) Ans. 8. (a) Ans. 10. (d) Ans. 12. (c) Ans. 14. (b) Ans. 16. (b) Ans. 18. (a) Ans. 20. (a) Ans. 22. (b) Ans. 24. (b) Ans. 26. (a) Ans. 28. (a) Ans. 61. (a) Ans. 63. (b) Ans. 65. (b) Ans. 67. (d) Ans. 69. (c) Ans. 71. (a) Ans. 73. (d) Ans. 75. (b)

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Ans. 38. (c) Ans. 40. (c) Ans. 42. (c) Ans. 44 (c) Ans. 46. (a) Ans. 48. (c) Ans. 50. (a) Ans. 52. (a) Ans. 54. (b) Ans. 56. (c) Ans. 58. (c) Ans. 60. (d) Ans. 62. (b) Ans. 64. (c) Ans. 66. (c) Ans. 68. (a) Ans. 70. (a) Ans. 72. (b) Ans. 74. (a)


Ans. 76. (a) Always remember in place of always, remember. Ans. 77. (c) Unbearably in place of unbearable Ans. 78. (c) Rises in place of rises'. Ans. 79. (c) Can accept in place of accepts' Ans. 80. (a) You to be in place of you be.

Ans. 29. (b) Heavy, black Ans. 30. (b) Had been lying Ans. 31. (c) Ans. 33. (d) Ans. 35. (c) Ans. 32. (c) Ans. 34. (a) Ans. 36. (b)

18 ]

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Directions (for Q. 81 to Q. 85) : Read the following information carefully to answer these questions : A, B, C, D, E and F are members of a family. There are two married couples. B is management expert and is father of E. F is grandfather of C and is a Politician. D is grandmother of E and is a Judge. There is one Management expert, one politician, one advocate, one judge and two athletes in the family:
81. Which of the following is definitely a group of male members ? (a) F, E (c) B, F, A (b) B, F (d) B, F, E represents film stars, the bigger ellipse represents cinema goers and smaller ellipse represents members of parliament. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the diagram : CG IT

MP 86.


82. Which of the following are married couples ? (a) E D, C F (c) F D, C A (b) F D, B D (d) F D, B A

(a) Some of the cinema going members of parliament are film stars too. (b) Some of the income tax paying members of parliament are cinema goers too. (c) Some of the non-income tax paying film stars are cinema goers too.

83. Which of the following can be A's profession ? (a) Judge (c) Advocate (b) Athlete (d) Politician

(d) Some of the cinema going film stars are members of parliament too. 87. According to the figure, it follows that (a) All cinema going members of parliament pay income tax. (b) All income tax paying members of parliament are cinema goers. (c) All cinema going members of parliament pay income tax.

84. Who is the husband of A ? (a) C (c) B (b) F (d) E

85. Who are siblings ? (a) E, C (c) B, E (b) F, E (d) C, A

Directions (for Q. 6 to Q. 10) : The following diagram represents a set of persons. The triangle represents income tax payers, the rectangle

(d) All cinema going film stars pay income tax.

19 ]
88. On the basis of the figure, it can be concluded that (a) None of the income tax paying members of parliament is a film star nor an income tax paying film star is a member of parliament. (b) Some of the income tax paying members of par liament are cinema goers, even though they are film stars. (c) Some of the income tax paying film stars, who are cinema goers, are non-income tax paying members of parliament. (c)

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Some persons who are either members of parliament of film stars are cinema goers, though non-income tax payee.

(d) All of the above statements are correct. 91. How many pairs of letters in the word REPERCUSSION which have as many letters between them in the word as in the alphabet and that too in the same order ? (a) Nil (c) Two (b) One (d) Three

(d) None of the income tax paying members of parliament is a film star, though a non-income tax paying film star is a member of parliament. 89. According to the figures it follows that (a) Members of parliament are not cinema goers. (b) Some film stars are members of parliament. (c) Some members of parliament are income tax payee.

92. If with the third, four th, fifth, seventh and tenth letters of the word PERSONALITY, a meaningful word is formed, then the first letter of the word is the answer. If no word is possible, then X is the answer (a) S (c) R (b) T (d) X

(d) F i l m s t a r s a r e n o t c i n e m a goers 90. Looking at the given figure, it can be said that (a) Some persons who are either members of parliament or film stars are cinema goers and are also income tax payee. (b) Some persons who are neither members of parliament nor film stars are income tax payee.

93. My office is to the east of the bus stand while my residence is to the south of the bus stand. The market is to the north of my office. If the distance of the market from my office is the same as the distance from my residence to the bus stand, then in which direction is the market with respect to the bus stand ? (a) Southwest (b) Northeast (c) East

(d) North 94. If Southeast becomes Nor th, Northeast becomes West and so on, then what will South become?

20 ]
(a) Northeast (b) Southwest (c) North-West II.

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Some teachers are students. 97. Statements : All courts are judges. No judge is advocate. Conclusions : I. II. No court is advocate All judges are courts.

(d) North 95. A man leaves for his office from his house . He walks towards South. After walking a distance of 300 metres, he turns towards West and walks 200 metres. Then he walks 100 metres towards North and further 100 metres towards West. He then turns towards North and walks 200 metres. What is the straight distance in metres between his initial and final positions ? (a) 100 (c) 300 (b) 200 (d) 400

98. Statements : Some cows are goats. All goats are sheep. Conclusions : I. II. Some sheep are cows Some cows are sheep.

99. Statements : All young heroines are dancers. No male dancer is playback singer. Conclusions : I. II. No heroine is playback singer. No young dancer is playback singer.

Directions (for Q. 96 to Q. 100) : In each of these questions, there are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which one of the conclusions logically follows from the statements. Give your answer as
(a) If only conclusion I follows (b) If only conclusion II follows (c) If neither I nor II follows or

100. Statements : All trucks fly. Some scooters fly. Conclusions : I. II. All trucks are scooters Some scooters do not fly.

(d) If both I and II follow 16. Statements : Most teachers are boys Some boys are students. Conclusions : I. Some student are boys.

Directions (for Q. 101 to 105) : In each of these questions two statements are given followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the Statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read both the

21 ]
statements and then decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from them: 101. Statements : All animals laugh. Some trees laugh. I. II. III. IV.

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Conclusions :
Some students are dull. Rehan is brilliant. Rehan is dull. Students are usually brilliant.

Conclusions :
I. II. III. IV. All animals are trees. Some trees are animals. Those who do not laugh are not animals. Some treed do not laugh.

(a) Only I follows (b) Only II follows (c) Only I and II follow

(d) All follow 104. Statements : All politicians are honest. All honest are fair

(a) Only I follows (b) Only II follows (c) Only II and IV follow

Conclusions :
I. II. III. IV. Some honest are politiciAns. No honest is politician. Some fair are politiciAns. All fair are politiciAns.

(d) None follows 102. Statements : Some blue are green. No green is red.

(a) Only I follows (b) Only I and II follow (c) Only I and III follow

Conclusions :
I. II. III. IV. Some green are blue. Some red are blue. Some blue are not red. All red are blue.

(d) None follows. 105. Statements : All doors are windows Some windows are stairs.

(a) Only I follows (b) Only I and II follow (c) Only I and III follow

Conclusions :
I. II. III. IV. All stairs are windows. All stairs are doors. Some doors are stairs. No door is stair.

(d) Only II and IV follow 103. Statements : Some students are brilliant. Rehan is a student.

(a) Only I follows (b) Only II and III follow

22 ]
(c) Only I and IV follow (d) None follows I.

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Assumptions :
A great part of the development of observed intelligence occurs in the earliest years of life. 50 percent of the measurable intelligence at the age of 17 is already predictable by the age of four.

Directions (for Q. 10 6 to Q. 110) : In each of these questions a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II, is given. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the assumptions to decide which one of the assumptions is implicit in the statement:
Give your answer as (a) If only assumption I is implicit (b) If only assumption II is implicit (c) If neither I nor II is implicit or


109. Statement : Vitamin E tablets keep your complexion in a glowing condition by improving circulation. Assumptions : I. II. People like complexion. a glowing

(d) If both I and II are implicit. 106. Statement : Do not lean out of the door of the bus'' - a warning in a school bus.

Complexion becomes dull in the absence of circulation.

110. Statement : Who rises from the prayer a better man, his prayer is answered.

Assumptions :
I. II. Leaning out of a running bus is dangerous. Children do not pay head to such warning.

Assumptions :
I. Prayer makes a man more human. II. Prayer atones all of our misdeeds.

107. Statement : Ever ybody loves adventure stories. reading

Directions (for Q. 111 to 115) : A passage is given below. It is followed by some inferences. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity :
Mark your answer as (a) If you think the inference is definitely true (b) If the inference is definitely false i.e., it contradicts the given facts. (c) If the given data is inadequate, i.e., from the given facts you cannot say whether the

Assumptions :
I. II. Adventure stories are the only reading material. Nobody loves reading any other material.

108. Statement : Lack of stimulation in the first four or five years of life can have adverse consequences.

23 ]
inference is likely to be true or false or (d) If you think the inference is probable false, though not definitely false, in the light of the facts given. Examinations no doubt are meant for testing the efficiency of a person. Without such tests, we cannot differentiate the competent from the incompetent, the knowledgeable from the ignorant, and the qualified from the unqualified. Such tests are of special impor tance in such practical professions as medicine for no one would like to entrust his health to a man who has not proved that he has sound knowledge of the human body, the law of health and remedies from diseases. Examinations are also useful as a stimulus to work. Thus the value of examinations can by no means be underestimated. 111. Examinations hold more significance in school education than in professional education. 112. Examination, in a way, put one on to work. 113. Examinations are significant in the field of medicine only. 114. Examinations are inevitable part of educational system. 115. Some reforms should be made in the examination system. 116. Count the number of rectangles in the following figures.

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

(a) 8 (c) 18

(b) 17 (d) 20

Directions (for Q. 117 to Q. 120) : Each of these questions contains three items using the relationship between them. Match each question with the most suitable diagram. Your answer is the number denoting that diagram :





117. Mercury, Mars, Planets. 118. Plums, Tomatoes, Fruits. 119. Mountains, Forests, Earth. 120. Flowers, Clothes, White. 121. insert the missing number in this question 121, 100, 81 ? (a) 72 (c) 64 (b) 60 (d) 49

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24 ]
122. Kailash faces towards nor th. Turning to his right, he walks 25 metres. He then turns to his left and walks 30 metres. Next, he moves 25 metres to his right. He then turns to his right again and walks 55 metres. Finally, he turns to his right and moves 40 metres. In which direction is he from his starting point ? (a) Southwest (c) Northwest (b) South (d) Southeast (a)

[ MBA-CET Model Papers




123. Johnson left for his office in a car. He drove 15 km towards north and then 10 km towards west. He then turned to the south and covered 5 km. Further, he turned to the east and moved 8 km. Finally, he turned right and drove 10 km. How far and in which direction is he from his starting point ? (a) 2 km West (c) 6 km South (b) 3 km North (d) 5 km East

Directions (Qs. 126 and 127): In each of these questions, a matrix of certain characters is given. These characters follow a certain trend, row-wise or column-wise. Find out this trend and choose the missing character accordingly :
126. 18 12 3 72 (a) 2 (c) 4 127. 3 5 4 (a) 6 6 8 7 24 14 ? 112 32 16 4 128 (b) 3 (d) 5 8 4 ? (b) 7 (d) 9

124. Which is the most suitable Venn diagram among the following, which represents interrelationship among anti-social elements, Pickpocketeers and Blackmailers?



(c) 8



Directions (Qs. 128 to 130) : For the Assertion (A) and the Reason (R) given in each of these questions, choose the correct alternative from the following, i.e. choose your answer as
I. II. If Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. If Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

125. Which one of the following four logical diagrams represents correctly the relationship between Musicians, Instrumentalists and Violinists ?

25 ]
III. IV. If A is true but R is false. If A is false but R is true.

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

(a) Nalini (b) Nalinis brother (c) Nalinis daughter (d) None of the above 132. In a cer tain code language PROMOTION is written as Q S P 8 9. How will you write DEMOTION ? (a) D E 9 8 (b) E F 9 8 (c) E F 8 9 133. Study this matrix 6 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 5 4 9 2 1 7 5 4 (d) E G 8 9

128. Assertion (A) : Most of the ancient civilisations grew near the rivers.

Reason (R) : The main occupation of man was agriculture.

(a) I (c) III (b) II (d) IV left

Buddha 129. Assertion (A) : home after his marriage.

Reason (R) : He wished to be free of all wordly ties and become an ascetic.
(a) I (c) III (b) II (d) IV

130. Assertion (A) : Food materials should not be soaked in water for a long time.

Reason (R) : Washing leads to loss of Vitamin A and Vitamin D from the foodstuff.
(a) I (c) III (b) II (d) IV

131. Nalini, her brother, her daughter and her son are tennis players and are playing game of doubles. Their positions on the court are as follows : Nalinis brother is directly across the net from her daughter. Her son is diagonally across the net from the worst players sibling. The best player and the worst players are on the same side of the net. Who is the best player ?

I n t h i s g a m e , t h e r e a r e t wo players. The first player can split the matrix ver tically into two equal halves and choose one half for further play. The next move on this half is by the other player who will split it only horizontally and choose one half for further play. The game will continue in this manner. At the end, the last number left is the first players gain. If you start the game, retain the right half and ag a i n r i g h t h a l f a f t e r yo u r o p p o n e n t s m ov e , t h e n h ow should your opponent play to minimise your gain ? (a) Retain upper, retain lower (b) Retain upper, retain upper (c) Retain lower, retain upper (d) Retain lower, retain lower

26 ]
134. What is the next letter in the following series ? U, S, R, H, E, U, ............. (a) S (c) O (b) T (d) M

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

A is a doctor. E is an engineer married to one of the brothers and has two children. B is married to D and G is their child. Who is C ? (a) Gs father (b) Fs father (c) Es daughter (d) As son 138. If every alternate letter of the English Alphabet from B onwards (including B) is written in lower case (small letters) and the remaining letters are capitalised, then how will the first month of the second half of the year be written? (a) AuGuSt (c) JUlY (d) AugUSt 139. Following grid represents the sum of two words. Each letter in the word represents a different digit and no letter represents zero. What word 725613 will represent? N + SUM A 7 O S 2 S T 5 I R 6 E A 1 R L 3 (b) JuLy

135. Sonal, a mathematician, defines a number as connected by 6 if it is divisible by 6, or if the sum of its digits is 6, or if 6 is one of the digits of the number. Other numbers are all not connected with 6. As per this definition, the number of integers from 1 to 60 (both inclusive) which are not connected with 6 is (a) 18 (c) 22 (b) 43 (d) 42

136. Leena, Nitin, Arun & Mohan crossed a lake in a canoe that could hold only two persons. The canoe held two persons on each of the three forward trips across the lake and one person on each of the two return trips. Leena was unable to paddle when someone else was in the canoe with her. Nitin was unable to paddle when anyone else except Arun was in the canoe with him. Each person paddled continuously for at least one trip. Who paddled twice ? (a) Leena (c) Mohan (d) Arun 137. A, B, C, D, E, F and G are the members of a family consisting of 4 adults and 3 children. F and G are girls, A and D are brothers and (b) Nitin

(a) LETINS (c) SETINS (d) None of these


140. An enterprising businessman earns an income of Re. 1 on the first day of his business. On every subsequent day, he earns an income which is just double of that made on the previous day. On the 10th day of the business, his income is :

27 ]
(a) Rs. 29 (c) Rs. 10 2 (b) Rs. 210 (d) Rs. 10

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

back to sleep. In the morning when all woke up, and counted apples, they found that the remaining apples again totalled 1 more than those which could be divided into three equal par ts. How many apples did the boys steel ? (a) 67 (c) 85 (d) None of these (b) 79

141. One night three naughty boys stole a basket full of apples from the garden, hid the loot and went to sleep. Before retiring, they did some quick counting and found that the fruits were less than a hundred in number. During the night, one boy awoke, counted the apples and found that he could divide the apples into three equal par ts if he first took one for himself. He then took one apple, 1 ate it up and took of the rest, 3 hid them separately and went back to sleep. Shor tly, thereafter, another boy awoke, counted the apples and he again found that if he took one for himself, the loot could be divided into three equal parts. He ate up one apple, bagged 1/3 of the remainder, hid them separately and went back to sleep. The third boy also awoke after some time, did the same and went

Directions (Qs. 142 & 143) : Choose from these four diagrams the one that best illustrates the relationship among three given classes :





142. Chilli, Salt, Vegetables 143. Students of Law, Students of Science, Men

Directions (Qs. 144 to 148) : An electronic device rearranges numbers stepby-step in a particular order according to a set of rules. The device stops when the final result is obtained. In this case the device stops at Step V :
Input: Step I Step II Step III Step IV Step V 85 97 97 97 97 97 16 85 85 85 85 85 36 16 63 63 63 63 04 36 16 36 36 36 19 04 36 16 19 19 97 19 04 04 16 16 63 63 19 19 04 09 09 09 09 09 09 04

28 ]
144. Which of the following will be Step III for the input given below ? Input : 09 32 (a) 32 30 (b) (c) (d) 32 16 32 16 32 16 25 18 09 18 30 19 30 18 30 18 16 17 25 17 09 17 09 17 25 17 30 06 16 06 25 06 25 06 09 06

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

(a) Step II (b) Step III (c) Step IV (d) None of these 148. If the output of Step IV is as given below, then what was the input ? Step IV : 92 69 06 92 06 86 63 19 92 69 63 19 58 06 69 86 15 63 71 58 92 71 63 71 58 06 71 19 58 15


86 19


15 69

145. What is the last step for the input given below ? Input : 16 06 (a) Step II (c) Step IV (d) None of these 146. What is the output of Step V for the input given below ? Input : 25 88 (a) (b) (c) 88 23 88 23 08 35 08 67 67 11 67 08 11 67 35 23 35 18 35 11 23 88 11 25 25 25 09 05 25 27 (c)

15 86

(b) Step III

(d) None of these

Directions (Qs. 149 & 150) : Read the following information carefully to answer these questions :
P # Q means P is the father of Q P + Q means P is the mother of Q P Q means P is the brother of Q P * Q means P is the sister of Q 149. If A + B # C D, then A is Ds (a) Sister (c) Grandmother (d) Father 150. Which of the following shows that A is the aunt of E ? (a) A B + C # D * E (b) A * B # C * D E (c) A # B * C + D E (d) A + B C * D # E (b) Grandfather

(d) None of these 147. Which one of the following would be the last step for the input given below? Input : 03 11 31 09 43 22

29 ]

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Ans. 81. (b)

Ans. 94. (a)

200 m 300 m


Members of the family

(Grandfather of C & E) (Mother of C & E) C

? Male Female Female ? Male

Advocate Management Expert ? Judge ? Politician
D (Grandmother of C & E) B (Father of C & E) E

100 m

300 m 100 m 200 m

Ans. 95. (c)



Ans. 96. (a)


Ans. 97. (a)


Ans. 98. (d)



Ans. 99. (d)

Ans. 82. (d) Ans. 84. (c) Ans. 86. (b) Ans. 88. (a) Ans. 90. (d)

Ans. 83. (c) Ans. 85. (a) Ans. 87. (d) Ans. 89. (c)

Ans. 100. (b) Ans. 101. (d)


Ans. 91. (d) R(EP)U, P(U)R, SS Ans. 92. (c) ROAST Ans. 93. (b)

R Only III & IV follow

Ans. 102. (a)

Ans. 103. (a)


Bus Stand

Ans. 104. (c)


30 ]
Ans. 105. (d) Ans. 106. (a) Ans. 108. (a) Ans. 110. (d) Ans. 112. (a) Ans. 114. (a) Ans. 107. (c) Ans. 109. (d) Ans. 111. (b) Ans. 113. (b) Ans. 115. (c) 5 4 9 2

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Ans. 133. (b) First move by me 1 7 5 4

Retaining right half

Ans. 116. (c) Single rectangles : 8, Rectangles for med from two small rectangles : 5, Rectangles formed from three small rectangles : 4, Rectangle for med from four small rectangles : 1. Ans. 117. (d) Ans. 119. (a) Ans. 118. (d) Ans. 120. (b)

First move by my opponent 5 4 1 7 Retaining upper half

Second move by me 1 7 Retaining right half

Ans. 121. (c) The given series contains squares of 11, 10, 9, 8. Respectively Ans. 122. (d) Ans. 123. (a) Ans. 125. (a) Ans. 127. (a) Ans. 129. (d) Ans. 131. (b) Nalinis Brother (Best Player) Nalinis Son (Worst Player) Ans. 124. (c) Ans. 126. (b) Ans. 128. (a) Ans. 130. (c)

Second move by my opponent 1 Retaining upper half

Gain to me = 1 Ans. 134. (d) With the letters U, S, R, H, E, U and M. The word HUMERUS can be formed which means a bone in the upper arm. The next letter in the given series can be M. Ans. 135. (b) There are 17 numbers connected by 6 between 1 and 60, as per definition given in the question.

Nalinis Daughter


Ans. 132. (c) MOTION is coded as 89. Other letters on the left move one step forward. PRO/MOTION QSP89 DE/MOTION EF89

i.e. 6, 12, 15, 16, 18, 24, 26, 30, 33, 36, 42, 46, 48, 51, 54, 56, 60
There are 43 numbers, from 1 to 60, which are not connected by 6.

31 ]
Ans. 136. (d) Trip No. Persons held

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Paddled by Person who was dropped across the lake

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Forward Return Forward Return Forward

Nitin/Arun Arun Leena/Mohan Leena Leena/Arun

Nitin Arun Mohan Leena Arun

Nitin Mohan Leena/Arun

Note : Leena is unable to paddle with Nitin, Arun and Mohan. Nitin is unable to paddle with Leena and Mohan. Ans. 137. (d) A is married to E, F is their daughter and C is their son. B is married to D. G is their daughter. [ F and G are girls and C is boy] Ans. 138. (c) j U l Y Ans. 139. (b) N2 + A4 I7 O9 S3 N2 S3 T1 L5 I7 R8 E6 E6 A4 T1 R8 L5 S3 Ans. 142. (b) Salt and Chilli both are used in vegetables. Ans. 143. (d) Ans. 144. (d) Input 09 17 32 17 32 17 32 17 25 06 09 06 30 06 30 06 16 25 09 25 30 16 25 09 32 30 16 16 18 18 18 18

Step I Step II Step III

Ans. 140. (a) On 1st day, he earns Rs. 20 = 1 On 2nd day, he earns Rs. On 3rd day, he earns Rs. 21 22

Ans. 145. (a) Input Step I Step II 16 06 27 06 27 06 09 05 16 05 25 05 25 09 16 27 25 09

On 10th day, he earns Rs. 29 Ans. 141. (b) 1st boy hid 26 apples and ate 1. 2nd boy hid 17 apples and ate 1. 3rd boy hid 11 apples and ate 1.

(Last Step)

32 ]
Ans. 146. (a)

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Ans. 148. (c) 08 23 25 23 67 23 67 23 67 11 67 08 35 25 23 35 25 23 35 25 08 25 08 35 08 35 11 35 11 88 Input 15 92 19 69 15 69 86 69 86 58 86 63 06 71 19 71 15 71 71 69 71 58 (Last Step) Ans. 149. (c) A + B # C D 43 31 03 22 22 22 22 22 22 03 11 11 11 11 11 11 03 09 09 09 09 09 09 03 69 15 19 15 19 06 19 06 63 06 63 58 63 58 86 25 67


Step I

88 67

Step I

92 86

Step II 88

Step II 92

Step III 88

Step III 92

Step IV 88

Step IV 92

Step V 88
11 Ans. 147. (d) Input 03 43 43

31 03 31 31 31 31

A is mother of B, B is father of C and C is brother of D A is Grandmother of D

Ans. 150. (b) A * B # C * D E

Step I Step II

Step III 43 Step IV 43 Step V


A is sister of B, B is father of C, C is sister of D, D is brother of E.

A is the aunt of E.

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33 ]

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Quantitative Aptitude
151. What is the least number by which 2352 is to be multiplied to make it a perfect square ? (a) 2 (c) 4 (b) 3 (d) 6 156. When two threedigit numbers 6 r 3 and 2 s 5 are added together, the answer is the number divisible by 9. The largest possible value of r + s is (a) 2 (c) 11 (b) 9 (d) 12

152. The sum of first four prime numbers is (a) 10 (c) 16 (b) 11 (d) 17
5 3+ 3 2 1 3

157. The H.C.F. of two numbers is 12 and their L.C.M. is 168. If the sum of these two numbers is 108, then their difference is (a) 36 (c) 60 (b) 48 (d) 72

153. The simplification of gives (a) 5 5 (c) 12 154.

5+ 3 5 3


5 3

158. The value of (205)2 (204)2 is (a) 409 (c) 144 (d) 167281 159. In the sequence 2, 7, 14, 23, *, 47, ........., * has the value (a) 31 (b) 34 (d) 38 (b) 205

3 (d) 5 is equal to
15 15
15 15

(a) 6 + (b) 4 (c) 5 + (d) 4 +


(c) 35

160. The least number which should be subtracted from 11075 to make it a perfect square is (a) 25 (c) 55 (b) 50 (d) 75

155. 2(2) is equal to


1 8 1 8

(b) 8


(d) 16

161. The average age of a husband and wife was 25 years at the time of their marriag e . If they were married seven years ago and now the average age of the couple and their only child is 22 years, then the age of the child is

34 ]
(a) Less than 1 year (b) 1 year (c) 2 years (d) 3 years 162. If 13143 + 143 is divided by 14, then the remainder is (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

the right of the unit's digit in the first number and the unit's digit 2 is rejected from the second number, then the newly obtained numbers will be equal to each other. The numbers are (a) 123, 1121

163. If 3 .4286 means 3 + 0.4286, then 2.7289 = 3 . ? (a) .2711 (c) 7289 (b) 2711 (d) .7289

(b) 12, 1232 (c) 232, 1012 (d) 144, 1100 169. Recurring decimal 0. 5 in the rational form can be written as (a) 1 2 5 9 is equal to (b) (d) 103)

1 164. The logarithm of in a system 9 whose base is 3 is (a) 3 1 2 (b) 1 27


11 20 111 200

(c) 170. 22



(d) 2


165. If log10 3 = 0.4771, then the number of digits in 321 is (a) 15 (c) 11 166. (b) 12 (d) 20

(a) 8 (c)

171. (2.4



(a) 3 105 (c) 3 105

(b) 3 10 4 (d) 30

0.0081 is equal to

(a) 0.09 (c) 0.08

(b) 0.9 (d) 0.81

167. Which one of the following is the greatest number less than 1900 and exactly divisible by 25, 20 and 180 ? (a) 900 (c) 1600 (b) 1800 (d) 1200

172. On a New Year Day, each of the 10 friends presented a sum of Rs. 10 to each other. The total amount of money presented was (a) Rs. (10 9) (b) Rs. (10 10 9) (c) Rs. (10 9 9) (d) Rs. (10 10 10) 173. 1 buy 6 pens for Rs. 5 and sell 5 pens for Rs. 6. My gain percent is

168. The sum of two integers is equal to 1244. If the digit 3 is annexed to

35 ]
(a) 16
2 % 3

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

(b) 33
1 % 3

(c) 20%

(d) 44%

179. A man buys an article for Rs. 80 and marks it at Rs. 120. He then allows a discount of 40%. What is the loss or gain percent ? (a) 12% gain (c) 10% gain (d) 10% loss 180. A bought a refrig erator and pressure cooker for Rs. 8,000 and Rs. 2,000 respectively. A sold them to B and B sold them to C, each making a profit of 25% on the refrigerator and incurring a loss of 10% on the pressure cooker. If A were to sell them to C directly at the same selling price as that at which B had sold them to C, what percent would A have gained on the whole ? (a) 50 (c) 41.2 (b) 45.3 (d) 40.8 (b) 12% loss

174. A and B together invested Rs. 15,000 in a business. At the end of the year, out of a profit of Rs. 2,000, B's share was Rs. 600. A's investment was (a) Rs. 4,500 (b) Rs. 8,250 (c) Rs. 10,500 (d) Rs. 11,250 175. What is the least value of x for which the expression x2 + x + 17 will not give a prime number ? (a) 7 (c) 13 (b) 11 (d) 17

176. If a b = (a b) + b, then 5 7 equals (a) 12 (c) 42 (b) 35 (d) 50

177. The smallest number that must be added to 803642 in order to obtain a multiple of 11 is (a) 1 (c) 7 (b) 4 (d) 9

181. A man purchased a plot of land for Rs. 44,700 and spent Rs. 5,300 for levelling it. At what price should he sell the plot so as to gain 6
1 %? 4

(a) Rs. 51,325 (c) Rs. 52,315

(b) Rs. 53,125 (d) Rs. 51,375

178. A fruitseller sells mangoes at Rs. 9 per kg and there by loses 20%. At what price per kg he should have sold them to make a profit of 5% ? (a) Rs. 11.81 (b) Rs. 12.31 (c) Rs. 15.00 (d) Rs. 16.00

182. A man bought goods worth Rs. 1 of them at a 12,000. He sells 4 loss of 10%. At what price should he sell the remaining goods so as to get a profit of 15% on the whole? (a) Rs. 11,100 (c) Rs. 11,110 (b) Rs. 11,000 (d) Rs. 11,111

36 ]
183. A salesman is allowed 5
1 % 2 commission on the total sales 1 % 2 on sales over Rs. 10,000. If his total earnings were Rs. 1990, his total sales (in Rs.) was

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

187. Due to an increase of 30% in the price of eggs, 3 eggs less are available for Rs. 7.80. The present rate of eggs per dozen is (a) Rs. 8.64 (c) Rs. 9.36 (d) None of these 188. A and B enter into a partnership investing Rs. 12,000 and Rs. 16,000 respectively. After 8 months, C also joins the business with a capital of Rs. 15,000. The share of C in a profit of Rs. 45,600 after two years is (a) Rs. 12,000 (c) Rs. 19,200 (b) Rs. 14,400 (d) Rs. 21,200 (b) Rs. 8.88

made by him plus a bonus of

(a) 30,000 (c) 34,000

(b) 32,000 (d) 35,000

184. A trader owes a merchant Rs. 901 due 1 year hence. However, the trader wants to settle the account after 3 months. How much cash should he pay, if the rate of interest is 8% per annum? (a) Rs. 870 (c) Rs. 828.92 (d) Rs. 846.94 185. A shopkeeper allows two successive discounts of 20% and 10% on the marked price of an article. If he gets Rs. 108 for an article, then its marked price is (a) Rs. 160 (c) Rs. 142.56 (d) Rs. 140.40 186. A dealer professes to sell his goods at cost price but he uses a false weight of 950 grams for a kilogram. The gain percent of the dealer is (a) 5
5 % 19 5 % 19

(b) Rs. 850

189. In a test, 1 mark is awarded for each correct answer and one mark is deducted for each wrong answer. If a boy answers all the 20 questions of the test and gets 8 marks, the number of questions correctly answerd by him was (a) 16 (c) 12 (b) 14 (d) 8

(b) Rs. 150

190. 16 men can reap a field in 8 days. 8 men will reap the same field in (a) 16 days (b) 4 days (c) 12 days (d) 32 days 191. A alone can complete a work in 16 days and B alone in 12 days. Star ting by A, they work on alternate days. The total work will be completed in (a) 12 days (b) 13 days

(b) 5%
1 % 5

(c) 4

(d) 19

37 ]
(c) 13
5 days 7 3 days 4

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

(c) 14 (d) 35 196. The monthly salaries of A and B are in the ratio of 3 : 5. If each receives an increase of Rs. 20 in the salary, the ratio is altered to 13 : 21. A's salary is (a) Rs. 240 (c) Rs. 210 (b) Rs. 260 (d) Rs. 400

(d) 13

192. Rajesh and Ajay together can complete a piece of work in 16 days. Rajesh alone can do it in 24 days. How long will Ajay alone take to complete the whole work? (a) 32 days (b) 40 days (c) 48 days (d) 8 days

197. The mean proportional of 0.02 and 0.32 is (a) 0.34 (c) 0.16 (b) 0.3 (d) 0.08

193. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 24, 6 and 12 days respectively. Working together, they will complete the same work in
1 (a) day 4 3 (c) 3 days 7 7 (b) day 24

198. A sum of money placed at compound interest doubles itself in 4 years. It will become eight times of itself at the same rate in (a) 8 years (c) 16 years (d) 24 years 199. Two pipes can fill a tank in 15 hours and 12 hours respectively while a third pipe can empty it in 20 hours. If the tank is empty and all the three pipes are opened, the tank will be full in (a) 14 hours (b) 10 hours (c) 16 hours (d) 7 hours 200. If 24 men can do a piece of work in 27 days working 7 hours per day, find in how many days can 14 men do it working at the rate of 9 hours per day. (a) 28 (c) 36 (b) 30 (d) 32 (b) 12 years

(d) 4 days 194. A lent Rs. 500 to B for 2 years and Rs. 300 to C for 4 years on simple interest and received Rs. 220 in all from both as interest. The rate of interest is (a) 7% (c) 7
1 % 8

(b) 5% (d) 10%

195. Three numbers are in the ratio 3 : 2 : 5 and the sum of their squares is 1862. The smallest of these numbers is (a) 24 (b) 21

38 ]

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

Ans. 151. (b) Ans. 152. (d) 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17 Ans. 153. (c) Given expression 5 5 = = = 3 3 + 9 12 3+ 1 3
5+ 3 5 3 5+ 3 5+ 3

Ans. 160. (b) Ans. 161. (c)

( H 7) + ( W 7) = 25 2 H+W +C = 22 3

H + W = 64

H + W + C = 66 C = 2. Ans. 162. (a) 13143 + 13 11 = 13 (13 142 + 11) which is divisible by 14. Ans. 163. (a) Ans. 164. (d) log3 = 0

Ans. 154. (d)

( 5 + 3 ) 2 5 + 3 + 2 15 8 + 2 15 = = 53 2 2

FG 1 IJ H 9K

= log3 1 log3 9

log 9 2 log 3 = = 2 log 3 log 3


Ans. 165. (c) log 321 = 21 log 3 = 21 .4771 = 10.0191 Characteristic of the log of 321 is 10. Number of digits in 321 is 11. Ans. 166. (a) Ans. 167. (b) Ans. 168. (b) Ans. 169. (c)
1 1 Ans. 170. (c) 2 2 = 2 = 4 2

Ans. 155. (d) 2(2) = 24 = 16 Ans. 156. (c) 6 r 3 2 s 5 9 l 8 A number is divisible by 9, if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9. r + s must be equal to 11. Ans. 157. (c) Let x + y be the two numbers. xy = 168 12 = 2016 x + y = 108 (x y)2 = (x + y)2 4xy = (108)2 2016 4 = 11664 8064 = 3600 x y = 60. Ans. 158. (a) (205 + 204) (205 204) = 409 Ans. 159. (b) The sequence in the given series is + 5, + 7, + 9, + 11, +13.

4 a f22 = a2f1 = 4 2
2.4 103 8 10 2 = 2.4 105 8

Ans. 171. (b)

= .3 105 = 3 104

39 ]
Ans. 172. (b) Ans. 173. (d) C.P. of 6 pens = Rs. 5 S.P. of 6 pens = Rs.

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

A's S.P. = Rs. 10,000 B's C.P. = Rs. 10,000 B's S.P. = Rs. 12,500 C's C.P. = Rs. 12,500 Pressure Cooker

FG 6 IJ H 5K

6 = Rs.

FG 36 IJ H 5K

11 Gain% = 5 100 = 44 5

A's C.P. = Rs. 2,000 A's S.P. = Rs. 1,800 B's C.P. = Rs. 1,800 B's S.P. = Rs. 1,620 C's C.P. = Rs. 1,620

Loss = 10%

Ans. 174. (c) Divide Rs. 15000 in the ratio 14 : 6. A's investment = Ans. 175. (d) Ans. 176. (c) 5 7 = (5 7) + 7 = 35 + 7 = 42. Ans. 177. (c) Ans. 178. (a) S.P. = Rs. 9 per kg. Loss = 20%
C. P. = 9 100 900 45 = = 100 20 80 4

14 15000 = 10500 20

If A's S.P. to C is Rs. 12500 for Refrigerator and Rs. 1,620 for Pressure Cooker, then Gain % to A =
4,120 100 = 41.2 10,000
1 % of 50,000 4

Ans. 181. (b) 50,000 + 6 = 50,000 +

25 50,000 4 100

= 50,000 + 3,125 = 53,125 Ans. 182. (a) Total profit required = Rs. 1800. Total S.P. = Rs. 13,800
1 of the goods was sold for Rs. 2,700. 4

Gain expected = 5% New S.P. =

= 45 45 + 5% of 4 4

45 45 945 199 + = = = 11.81 4 80 80 16

Ans. 179. (d) S.P. = 120 40% = Rs. 72 Loss = Rs. 8 8 Loss % = 100 = 10 80 Ans. 180. (c) Refrigerator A's C.P. = Rs. 8,000, Gain = 25%

Remaining goods should be sold for Rs. 11,100. Ans. 183. (c) Suppose total sales = Rs. X 5
1 1 % of X + % of [X 10,000] 2 2

= 1990

40 ]
11 1 X+ X 50 = 1990 200 200 12 X = 2040 200 2,040 200 = 34 ,000 12

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

12 12 10 7.80 = 7.80 + 3 K 13K 12 7.80 10 1 =3 K 13




Ans. 184. (b) Suppose P.W. of Rs. 901 due after 9 months = Rs. X
X 83 = 901 X X = 850 100 12

12 7.80 3 = 3 K = 7.20 13 K Present rate of eggs per dozen = 7.20 + 30% = Rs. 9.36 Ans. 188. (a) A, B, C share the profit in the ratio of 12,000 24 : 16,000 24 : 15,000 16 i.e. 12 24 : 16 24 : 240 i.e. 12 : 16 : 10 C's share = = 12,000 Ans. 189. (b) Suppose number of correctly answered questions = K. Number of wrongly answered questions = 20 K. K 1 + (20 K) (1) = 8 K 20 + K = 8 Ans. 190. (a) Ans. 191. (d) In 2 days, the work is completed. In 12 days, 42 7 = of the wor k is 48 8 1 of 8 1 1 7 + = of 16 12 48 K = 14 i.e. 6 : 8 : 5.

Thus to settle the account after three months, he should pay Rs. 850. Ans. 185. (b) Let Marked price be Rs. 100. Price after 1st discount = 80 Price after 2nd discount = 72 If price is Rs. 72, If price is Rs. 108, Ans. 186. (a) C.P. of 1,000 gm = Rs. 1000 say S.P. of 950 gm = Rs. 1000 S.P. of 1000 gm =
1000 20,000 1000 = 950 19

M.P. = Rs. 100 M.P. = Rs. 150

5 45,600 = 5 2400 19

Gain% = = 5 100 =5 19 19

1000 / 19 100 1000

Ans. 187. (c) Let rate of eggs per dozen = Rs. K. Increased price per dozen = Rs. (K + 30% of K) =
13K 10

completed. Out of the Remaining the work ,

1 of the work is completed 16

41 ]
by A on 13th day. Remaining work is done by B in 3 days. 4 1 of the 16

[ MBA-CET Model Papers

3K + 20 13 = 5K + 20 21

K = 80

1 1 1 = Ans. 192. (c) . 16 24 48 Ajay alone can complete the work in 48 days. Ans. 193. (c) 7 1 1 1 1+4 + 2 + + = = 24 6 12 24 24 Ans. 194. (d)
500 2 R 300 4 R + = 220 100 100

A's salary = Rs. 240. Ans. 197. (d) Let proportional. .02 : x :: x : .32 0.02 x = x 0.32 x be the mean

x2 = .0064 x = .08 Ans. 198. (b) Ans. 199. (b) In one hour,
1 1 1 1 + = 15 12 20 10

2200 R = 22,000 R = 10 Ans. 195. (c) Let the numbers be 3K, 2K and 5K. (3K) 2 + (2K)2 + (5K)2 = 1862 38K2 = 1862 K = 7. Smallest number = 14 Ans. 196. (a) Suppose A's salary = Rs. 3K and B's salary = Rs. 5K

of the tank is filled. Ans. 200. (c) 24 men can do a work in 189 hours. 14 men can do the same work in
189 24 = 324 hours 14

= 36 days.

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