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Lesson 21: Exploring Excels Data Analysis and Other Tools 1. Students will be able to: a.

Create and work with a worksheet outline b. Define and use the Goal Seek Feature c. Build a data table d. Define and create scenarios e. Use the Text to Columns command f. Use the Auditing Feature 2. Students will also be able to define and recognize: a. Auditing b. Data Table c. Delimeter d. Goal Seek e. Scenarios f. Dependent Tracer Arrow (Trace Dependents) g. Precedent Tracer Arrow (Trace Precedents) 3. Formative Assessments: a. Self Notes b. Notes Quiz Lesson 21 c. SBS d. Mini Lecture e. Projects Lesson 21 4. Summative Assessments: a. Real World Lesson 21 !

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