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am : e Email Telephone No. Address Personal Particulars Date of Birth Gender Nationality Permanent Residence Qualification 1.

Qualification : CGPA : Field of : Study Major : Institute / : University Graduated : Experience Experience Level Employment History 1. Company : Name Position : Title Specializatio : n Role : Industry : Monthly : Salary Work :

, : : 66- 02- 9829063 Mobile No. : Thailand

: 0897639356

: : : :

11 Sep 1987 (not provided) Thai (not provided)

Bachelor's Degree 3.41/4 Engineering (Mechanical) Energy Mahidol, Thailand Mar 2010

: Total 1 Year(s) of Experience

Thai Containers Saraburi From/To : Jun 2010 to Apr 2011 Co., Ltd. Production and sale Position : Fresh/Entry Level support engineer Level Engineering - Mechanical/Automotive Quality Control/Assurance Wood / Fibre / Paper THB 30,000.00 Quality control/Assurance section


- failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) for procedure in prod development and operations management for analysis of potenti failure modes within a system for classification by the severity an likelihood of the failures. - Problem solving by P-M and Why-why Analysis for Advanced Ste to reduce defect to zero - innovation project for experiment of how to increase strength of carton by TRIZ. Planning section - Created programs to assist in organizing load and Lead time by pull production (Takt time Calculate program). - Coordination with other companies and contractors.

Skills None specified [Add Skills] Languages None specified [Add Languages] JobStreet English Language Assessment [Help] Hidden [Show Result] [Do more practises] Additional Info - Training of safety system of boiler. Learning boiler system and safety valve system.

- Training of BRC-IoP Food Packaging. Learn about Accreditation Standards for Business Group that produces packaging f product to retailers. To ensure that manufacturers have the ability to produce safe legal and quality desired. And must be on sanitary control of production. - Training on TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving). Learn how to solve the problem by using the theory of problem solving invention.

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