11 Things You Can Do For NYDA

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Get Active: 11 things you can do to help support the NY DREAM Act!

1. Call and thank your state senators for supporting the NY DREAM Act. If they havent co-sponsored call and urge them to co-sponsor now! Dont know who they are? Find them at www.nydreamact.org 2. Send a letter or call your state senator or assembly member! Dont know who they are? Find them at www.nydreamact.org 3. Sign the online NY DREAM Act petition http://action.dreamactivist.org/nydreamact/ Forward the link to your friends and family! 4. Write a blog/note on facebook/ myspace/ tumblr or an article in your school or local paper about the importance of the NY DREAM Act 5. Change your profile picture/ status on facebook/ myspace/ twitter to: Pass the NY DREAM Act now! 6. Tell a friend, teacher, or relative about the NY DREM Act every day for the week! 7. Start a petition drive for the NY DREAM act at your school, church, or neighborhood! 8. Meet with your state senator or assembly member! 9. Host a NYSYLC workshop in your class, club, or church! 10. Join the YLC! Contact us at info@nysylc.org 11. Start a DREAM Team in your neighborhood or campus! Contact organizing@nysylc.org for more information

339 Lafayette Street, Suite 304 New York, NY 10012 212.473.2570 info@nysylc.org www.nysylc.org

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