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2nd Tri Assignment Terms Assessment Category Language User Language User Total Reading Reading Total Speaking/Listen

Speaking/Listen Speaking/Listen Speaking/Listen Speaking/Listen Speaking/Listen Total

Evan Boerman

1st Hour

Mrs. Johr %

Theatre Letter Grade B-

Points Earned Points Possible 38 47 boermane14: 38 I used Sort to sort all the cateegories in alphabetical order. 10 10 10 31 18 18 13 12 92 10 8 18 35 20 20 16 16

boermane14: 80.85 Here is where the Autofilter is.

Elements of a Script


Theatre History Presentations Solo Pantomime Duo Pantomime Storytelling Shakespeare Monologue

88.57 90 90 81.25 75


Much Ado About Nothing - Today Writing Written Assessment of Performance Writing Writing Total

10 10

100 80

A B-

Grand Total
boermane14: This (along with all the other bolded cells) is using a drop-down list for the totals.


boermane14: I used Criteria Range and Wildcards to change all the cells with the word "Total" to this format.

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