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Assignment #2 2012 Social Media Audit Step Step Step Step

BDMM 4336 Spring

1: Choose a non-profit organization 2: Start to LISTEN use at least 4 platforms out of this list: Twitter Facebook Vimeo YouTube LinkedIn Tumblr Blogs Foursquare Google+ Pinterest 3: Use free social monitoring tools to listen for 48 hours. 4: Track your findings this chart:

Search Term

Platfor m



Livestrong Twitter Foundation

@Livestro ng


Total Sentim number ent of Update s 5 2 positive 3 neutral

Date/Tim e

2/22 8:14, 10:04, 10:06, 11:18, 12:12 2/22 1:58, 1:18, 12:58, 11:52, 11:43, 11:31 2/22 6:16

Livestrong Twitter Foundation

@rayrat17 Monitter 47@larry mei, @darinar mstrong Livestrong Fans Facebook Wall Facebook Wall

6 Respons es (3 RTs)

1 neutral 1 positive 1 negative 1 positive 20 positive 6 neutral 3 unrelate d/spam

Livestrong Foundation Livestrong Foundation

Faceboo k Faceboo k

1 29 4 links 17 likes 97 shares 107 respons es 7 photos 1 video

Step 5: Be sure to include sentiment, positive, negative, neutral Step 6: Write a 2 page double spaced, analysis of your findings over 48 hours. Some questions to think about: What is the background of your non-profit? How long have they been using social media tools? (Approximate) Why you choose social media platforms? What was the length of monitor including dates and times? What did you learn about the org from these online conversations? What did you discover? What are your conclusions based on listening?

What would you tell the Executive Director of this non-profit for future recommendations?

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