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DEFINITION: Acute infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) or herpesvirus hominis type 1 or 2 with typical symptoms group of vesicles on erythematous base and recurrent

EPIDEMIOLOGY: y y y Worldwide distribution Primary infection HSV-1 childhood

ETIOLOGY: y y y HSV-1 and HSV-2 human DNA viral pathogens HSV-1 orofacial disease HSV-2 genital infection

HSV-2 2nd and 3rd decade age, correlates with sexual behavior

PATHOGENESIS: y HSV-1 is spread primarily through direct contact with contaminated saliva or other infected secretions. HSV-2 is spread primarily by sexual contact. Virus will replicate at the site of infection (i.e. the mucocutaneous surface), travel by retrograde axonal flow to the dorsal root ganglia, and establish latency until reactivation.

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