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“This outstanding book shows how i is possible to bring social processes and spatial forms together analytically and as a guide to action. David Harvey argues that spatial forms incorporate socal processes and that all soca! processes are inherently spatial. He seeks to break the artifical separation between methodology and philosophy in an exploration af the fundamental interreationships between space, socal justice, and the nature of urbanism, "A peretrating analysis of contemporary urbanism... ewillbe controversial fori brings into question concepesand values thatare fundamental ro our way cof fe” Times Higher Education Supplement "A good baok, by any standards.” Times Literary Supplement "This 300k establishes David Harvey as one of che most fertile and fruitful Scholars working in the field of urban studies.” Urban Stuces “This book, in fact, provides the dimension that isakmost entirely mising fram most cites, journalists or historians who describe and discuss the contemporary city or the development of the modern movement in architecture,” Architects" journal David Harvey is Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography in the University of Oxford, Unt 1987 he held a personal professorshipac the johns Hopkins University. His The Limits to Capital and The Urban Experience are avalable in paperback (outside the USA) from Basil Blackwell Cer ein Sven Ping AL| > EMERGE JDISNE WIDOS a ba Es) Fe fol ISBN O-b31-1b47b-b | in AI 780631" Basil Blackwell Oxford Social Justice and the City Social Justice and the City | David.Harvey Basil Blackwe}l

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