HB 2763

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EFFECTIVE DATE JANUARY 1, 2014 (The concept was formerly referred to as Triple Zero + 6.3 Kansas income tax reform)

SIMPLY STATED, THE ACT Replaces all Kansas Income taxes with a consumption tax on all personally consumed
goods and services. The tax is collected at the retail point of sale and retailer remits it to the state monthly;

GUARANTEES FREEDOM OF CHOICE Taxpayers retail choices decide the amount of taxes they pay. IS TRANSPARENT The Tax is printed on the cash register receipt. IS UNIFORMLY APPLIED Everyone pays the same personal consumption tax rate. ESSENTIAL PERSONAL GOODS AND SERVICES CONSUMPTION TAXES ARE PREPAID Consumption tax is prepaid monthly, up to the federal prescribed Poverty level, on all personal goods and services to all valid Kansas citizens who are social security cardholders, grouped by household, No means testing. IS EFFICIENT Major retailers collect 80% of all sales taxes. The point of sale retailer would collect all consumption taxes. The retailer is paid % for collecting and remitting said taxes to the state. No consumer filings. NO INCOME TAX TO PAY - No individual or business pays state income taxes of any kind. IS EASY TO UNDERSTAND Only one rate is charged, only at one time, only on personally consumed goods and services. IS BROAD BASED Every Kansas (resident and visitor) pays the personal consumption tax at the same rate. Business-tobusiness sales are not taxed. LETS THE FREE MARKET DECIDE The state government no longer picks winners and losers using the Income Tax system. IS CONSTITUTIONAL The founding fathers never intended to authorize an Income Tax? Kansas and the USs Constitution allows consumption taxes, THE INCOME TAX Interferes with economic growth because it penalizes success. Encourages class warfare by pitting each class of people against the others. Has become so terribly complicated that no one can completely understand it Is not uniformly applied o Individuals and profitable businesses use loopholes and tax credits to avoid paying taxes. o Some people pay little or no Income Tax, yet receive cash refunds exceeding taxes withheld plus other substantial benefits from the state. The Income Tax is an evil concept and is causing all kinds of problems KANSAS CANNOT EFFECTIVELY GROW ITS ECONOMY WITH AN OPRESSIVE INCOME TAX BASED SYSTEM. IF KANSAS CANNOT GROW ITS GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT INDEX BY 6% OR MORE, IT CANNOT POSSIBLY MEET ITS COMING OBLIGATIONS.

THE KANSAS ECONOMIC FREEDOM ACT OF 2014 IS EXEPECTED TO GROW THE GDP BY MORE THAN 6% HB2763-The Kansas Economic Freedom Act of 2014 is fully compliant with the GOP State Committee RESOLUTION OF THE KANSAS REPUBLICAN PARTY REGARDING TAXATION Adopted by unanimous vote on February 18th in Overland Park WHEREAS Governments should be funded as a choice of the people, and taxes should be collected in a manner that is transparent, uniformly applied, efficient to collect, easy to understand, and broad based; and WHEREAS Free market capitalism is the best way to facilitate economic growth; and WHEREAS We believe free market capitalism requires and supports freedom; and WHEREAS The Kansas Constitution does not require the taxation of income (Article 11, Section 2); and WHEREAS Experience has shown that taxing of income destroys economic growth, is not consistently understood, is not uniformly applied, and is not transparent; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That Kansas should immediately repeal all taxes levied against income, both personal and corporate; and THEREFORE, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED That the Kansas Republican Party does hereby declare, support and recommend passage of a consumption tax; and THEREFORE, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED That implementation of the above-described legislation occurs as soon as practicable.

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