Wisdom For The Journey

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Thursday, February 16, 2012 Wisdom for the Journey INTRODUCTION y God love us with the infinite and

add in to that, God is with us. o Teresa said, there are 4 ways that God can speak to us y Matter in spiritual discernment y 2nd level: Jesus is fully human, he needs to live fully human in his own culture. o The universality of Jesus in the world, Jesus can be in any country o Because of the incarnation, o Anything we can find in this deepest dimension of the spirituality. o To be in a beautiful Church, a point to integrating o Truth: 3 levels of our being iii. Active spiritual discernment y The wisdom to discern, we should try to see if there is any nature cause for the phenomenon that we experience. y Distinguish by effect the holy spirit from the other fruits seek to find a natural explanation rather than supernatural reason: if we dont obey the law of nature, the work of Holy Spirit then we ruin ourselves then we complaint God and or pray to him. o Try to find a natural explanation, not to refer directly to supernatural. o Be very respect and careful that could damage the faith. y Spiritual direction: is a grace of Christ operating with the cooperation of the directed and director who are actively seeking the guidance of the hs and the gift of discernment. y What process: thinking the note, write a thought benifectial

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