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Censorship: Is it Necessary?

Argument Essay Enda Tuomey

Introduction Layout

Definition and/or Situation One side Other side Thesis: This essay will

Intro: Definition

Censorship occurs when a country or a group of people block certain material so that others cannot access it. These materials can be political, religious, sexual, violent, or economic in nature - anything that the censors or governments disagree with.

Intro: Situation

In many countries around the world, government censors restrict access to certain kinds of material for their citizens. Movies with sexual content, textbooks with political ideas, violent video games all sorts of material can be blocked.

Intro: One side

Some people agree strongly with the need for censorship. They argue that it protects society.

Intro: Other side

Others disagree, believing that they should be free to decide what they read, see or talk about.

Intro: This essay

This essay will examine the arguments for and against censorship.

Essay Layout
Your essay layout will depend on whether you agree or disagree with the topic.

Is Censorship Necessary? Yes! No!

Intro No Yes Conclusion

Intro Yes No Conclusion

Layout for NO

Topic Sentence Three Ideas Each idea has a supporting sentence Total: minimum seven sentences

Topic Sentences for NO




There are many arguments against censorship It is easy to see why many people are opposed to censorship Censorship can be opposed on many grounds There are several reasons why censorship does not work People are opposed to censorship for many reasons Many people are strongly against censorship Censorship irritates many people

Sentences for NO

Some people feel that they should be free to decide what they watch or read.

Supporting idea:  They think they are mature enough to know what is good and bad.

Sentences for NO

Others feel that censorship is pointless today.

Supporting idea:  Nowadays people can travel to other countries and discuss ideas or read materials unavailable in their own country.  It is also impossible to block material on satellite or on the internet.

Sentences for NO

One of the biggest objections to government censorship is that much material is blocked for no apparent reason.

Supporting idea:  Often useful material for example in textbooks or medical sites is blocked.

Sentences for NO

Opponents of censorship also claim that unless the people of a nation are fully educated that there can be no development.

Supporting idea:  They resist the idea of being treated like children by a government ministry.

Sentences for NO

Those in favor of removing censorship also claim that the type of material blocked is chosen for the wrong reasons.

Supporting idea:  For example, many very violent movies are allowed in most countries, but intellectual films and books are banned due to some minor sexual content.

Sentences for NO

The biggest argument against censorship for many people is the idea of personal freedom.

Supporting idea:  These people believe they have the right to decide what they want to see or read or discuss.

Layout for YES


Topic Sentence Three Ideas Each idea has a supporting sentence Total: minimum seven sentences

Topic Sentences for Yes




There are many arguments for censorship It is easy to see why many people are in favor of censorship Censorship can be supported on many grounds There are several reasons why censorship is necessary People are in favor of censorship for many reasons Many people strongly support censorship Censorship is viewed as essential by many people

Sentences for YES

People in favor of censorship believe strongly that the society needs to protected against violent and pornographic material.

Supporting idea:  Very few people would support the availability of hard-core pornographic movies or magazines.

Sentences for YES

There is often very strong support in a society for limits on certain kinds of materials for religious or cultural reasons.

Supporting idea:  People expect their governments to act to prevent the distribution or availability of forbidden material or items.

Sentences for YES

Another point in favor of censorship is that many people are not educated enough to really understand complex political ideas.

Supporting idea:  Allowing people to discuss political ideas without enough background knowledge could destabilize a society.

Sentences for YES

One good reason for censorship is that people selling pornography and other materials do not care about children.

Supporting idea:  They will advertise their products and it will be impossible for children to avoid seeing them.

Sentences for YES

Governments have a duty to stop illegal materials being available through the internet.

Supporting idea:  People should not be able to download illegal software of any kind. The government has signed agreement to protect intellectual property.

Sentences for YES

Another point is that governments which censor materials are acting in defense of the views and traditions of the society.

Supporting idea:  They are not doing it to restrict individual freedom, but to make the society a safer place to live in

Conclusion Layout
The conclusion should/can  summarize both sides (two sentences) and explain what they think  explain that the problem is difficult/simple  give your opinion  look to the future

Sentences for Conclusion

In conclusion, people are strongly divided on the issue of censorship While some people have very valid reasons for objecting to censorship, others believe firmly that they alone have the right to decide what they read or see. Personally, I feel that some forms of censorship are necessary, but that the government needs to be open about its decisions.

Sentences for Conclusion

Personally, I feel that some forms of censorship are necessary, but that the government needs to be open about its decisions. As for myself, I believe that censorship is absolutely necessary if we are to protect the morals and traditions of our society. There is no doubt in my mind that censorship is totally unnecessary and pointless. People should be free to make up their own minds, and to exercise their choice as adults.

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