Convergence Chart

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Standards (from Friends Select Curriculum)

Social Studies - This year we are focusing on Africa - Students see, understand and appreciate the relationship of people and their culture to the land - Students examine the changing political aspects of Africa Literacy - Nonfiction articles for reading For nonfiction reading students learn how to determine importance, chunk, and categorize materials, and how to take notes that enhance comprehension and content learning Writing - Students will work with on nonfiction expository writing such as feature articles, research reports, booklets, and persuasive and literary essays

Convergence Chart
Curriculum Materials - Nonfiction newspaper articles - PowerPoint technology - Green Screen technology - Projectors - Posters - Art Supplies - Computers

Teaching Methods - Students learn from their peers, with jigsaw methods - Project-based learning - Connecting art into the curriculum


Lessson How

Theories of Teaching and Learning Moll- Funds of Knowledge Johnson- through group discussion students are able to learn from one another Dewey- student can connect new knowledge with prior experience Freire- students as active learners

Knowledge of Students and Context

The theme global citizens connects greatly to the Friends Select students. The students at Friends Select all have experience serving the local community through service day. The fifth grade students already have some background knowledge on Africa , which will assist them with their research. I hope that my students can make connections and not just realize how to bring the Quaker values to help the community of Philadelphia, but to also learn how they can contribute to the world.

Educational Philosophy and Beliefs - Funds of Knowledge and student ownership of learning - Students as active learners, teacher facilitates discussion. - Students are able to make connections between different subjects - Classroom environment is a safe community where students feel safe sharing beliefs

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