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Remote Access Services User Guide V I R T U A L P R I V A T E N E TWO R K ( V P N ) O V E R V I E W Remote Access Services provide secure, cost-effective ways for mobile

workers, telecommuters and non-government customers on external networks to access the Shared Provincial Access Network for British Columbia (SPAN/BC). . To ensure that Government security policies are not violated by any personal Internet activity, it is very important that you SECURITY AWARENESS! disconnect your VPN session as described in section 7 after you ve completed your Government business. If you do not disconnect your VPN session and proceed to do personal Internet activities, then be aware that your personal Internet data traffic will be traversing the Government data network, which may result in a Government policy violation, a security investigation and possible legal repercussions. The Information Security Branch of the Office of the Chief Information Officer has developed resources to help explain information security best practices. To ensure you are in compliance with policy and are aware of best practices, refer to the Information Security web site. An additional OCIO Best Practice Guide for working with personal and/or confidential information outside the workplace is the Working Outside the Workplace resource document. DEFINITIONS: Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows your computer to connect securely to SPAN/BC over the public Internet even when connected via a public wireless hotspot. Once connected to SPAN/BC via VPN, you can access network resources that include your Exchange e-mail, applications, and shared data. Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) is an application that allows you to use your remote computer to access your primary @ work SSBC Provisioned Workstation over the Internet via a VPN enabled connection. Start Before Login (SBL) is for SSBC Provisioned Mobile Workstations to establish the remote VPN connection to Exchange e-mail, applications, shared data, printers and drives.

1 R E M O T E A C C E S S V P N G UI D E L I N E S A N D P R O C E S S S T E P S Choose the scenario that meets your needs from the graphical representation below with associated session requirements from the table on the next page. This choice will determine the steps you will need to follow to establish a Remote Access VPN Connection:

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