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CS202: Final project

Instructor: Hunh Cng Php Affiliation: IT Faculty, Danang University of Technology I. Requirements
Project must include the following writeups: - a minimum 300 word written discussion of the major design consideration encountered when solving the specified problem. In the design considerations, discuss what the main design considerations are, why they are the main design considerations, how they are solved, and why the approach taken is valid. Think in terms of analyzing your solution! This means discussing the efficiency of the approach as well as the efficiency of the resulting code. - Each student is expected to submit only original work. Any person who violates this will receive a grade of F for the course. Note that the Instructor may ask any student to explain his/her assignment verbally. Project should be completed and submitted before February 25, 2012

II. Project subject

Implement your final project of Student Management, using mandatorily OOP aspects that youve learned in the course CS202. You can choose C++ or Java for writing it. The project requirements are followings: - basic functions of the program consist of add/remove/edit/view/list/search (a) student(s) - the first screen displays a main menu similar to the following one: Student Management ================== 1. List all classes 2. Add/remove/edit a class 3. Add/remove/edit/show a student 4. List all students of a class 5. Search 6. Exit Please Enter Required Option: User will choose a menu item to perform an operation by entering a corresponding number. For example, when user enters 3, the program will display a sub menu as follows: Student Management ================== 1. Add a student 2. Remove a student 3. Edit student 4. Show detailed students information 5. Back to Main menu 6. Exit Please Enter Required Option:

If user enters 1, for example, then the program displays a form allowing user to enter information of a student as follows. Add a student ================== Name: Day of birth: Id number: Math: CS202: CS203:

Hint: - However, youre not obligated to follow exactly the above suggestions. Youre completely free to design and implement your final project as long as using OOP and meeting the requirements of a Student Management project. - You should use FILE (or iostream in Java) to store data of the project

Gooooooood luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ! -----------End---------

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