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Space Race Lesson Plan 2/27/12 Goals/Objectives Students will learn how people have played a role in space

exploration. Standards 3.4.7.D Identify the accomplishments and contributions provided by select past and present scientists in the field of astronomy. Materials and preparation JFK Sets Goal for Man on Moon Clip ( Kennedy: Speech at Rice University Clip ( The Space Race Clip ( Graphic Organizer/Worksheet (Appendix A) Classroom arrangement and management issues Students will be seated at their lab tables to watch President Kennedys speech and take notes. I will pre load the video in order to have it ready for class and in order to check for technology issues beforehand. Plan 1. Log Question: What are some of the major space discoveries? Who discovered them? [5 minutes] 2. Hand out graphic organizer, give instructions to fill out as we watch the film clips. 3. Show President Kennedys speech to Congress [2 minutes] 4. Discuss clip, what is the Presidents goal? Why is it so important to put a man on the moon? What message is the President sending with this speech? [10 minutes] 5. Show President Kennedys speech at Rice University [5 minutes] 6. Discuss clip, what does the President expect of our nation? Why does he want to be first in space exploration? JFK says in his speech, space can be explored and mastered, do you believe we have achieved this? [10 minutes] 7. Show Space Race clip twice [3 minutes x 2]

8. Review clip, why was Sputnik important? Who was Yuri Gagarin? Alan Shepard? John Glenn? Neil Armstrong? [5 minutes] Assessment Keep record of participation during discussion. Collect worksheet and graphic organizer to ensure completion and understanding of main points (President Kennedys goal, importance of a man on the moon, major players and their achievements). Anticipating students responses and your possible responses

Accommodations Show videos twice if necessary, if students are having difficulty taking notes and watching the clip simultaneously. If students complete the assignment quickly, provide further questions, such as do you think we would have made such scientific advancements if not for the competition with Russia? What should our space exploration goals be now?

Appendix A

Name: President Kennedys Speech to Congress 1. What is President Kennedys goal?



2. What obstacles does he allude to?

3. Why is it so important for the U.S. to put a man on the moon?

President Kennedys Speech at Rice University 1. Why did he quote William Bradford?

2. What does President Kennedy expect of our nation?

3. Why does he want the U.S. to be first in space exploration?

4. What is the Presidents tone towards the Soviet Union (Russia) in his speech?

5. The President says in his speech, space can be explored and mastered, do you believe we have achieved this? Why/why not?

Space Race Name Sputnik Date Achievement

Laika, the rocket dog

Explorer I

Yuri Gagarin

Alan Shepard

John Glenn

Neil Armstrong

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