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iPads in Action

Maximizing Resources for Optimal Learning

Why the action started
As a technology driven school, we want to maximize our time, space and resources. This fosters the most effective learning environment for our students. While the iPads are available everyday for children to explore and investigate, we wanted to provide more explicit instruction. This would allow students to demonstrate their learning in an interactive and visible ways. Overall Expectation Personal and Social Development 2. demonstrate an ability to use problem solving skills in a variety of social contexts (p.52)

Overall Expectation Technology 4. Use technological problem solving skills (questioning, planning, predicting, construction, observing, communicating) in free exploration, focused exploration and guided activity (p. 114) Specific Expectation Language 1.1 explore sounds, rhythms, and language structures, with guidance and on their own. (p. 72)

How it works Two days a week, small learning groups are created. This looks like half the class in the computer lab, with a teacher, for their regularly scheduled computer time. The other half of the class remains with our DECE in the classroom for focused iPad instruction. iPads are graciously shared from the other Kindergarten classrooms. This allows us to maximize both our staff and technology resources. The shared resources combined with a small group experience optimizes the learning for our students. It allows for explicit instruction with effective and immediate feedback as learners rehearse a skill presented to them.

What we did Lindsay, DECE, used the Document Camera to demonstrate the Pocket Phonics Application. She then continued the demonstration on the carpet where children were asked to interact with the iPad. This lesson was preceded by explicit instruction with extended rehearsal of appropriate learning behaviour with an iPad. What we learned
Small group experiences maximize learning both in the lab and in the classroom. Learners can be successful at problem solving through questioning. with maximum learning time as opposed to waiting time. Their feedback is immediate.

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