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A Sacred Marriage Covenant NOTE: This Marriage Covenant (Contract) is designed to eliminate the nee d for a "Third Party"

(the State) from the Marriage Covenant. Because Marriage i s a Religious exercise, No license is required, nor should a license (permission ) be requested from the Corporate State. If after the Marriage, the wife desires to "legally" change her last name to that of her husband, it can be done by a s imple name change petition through any local District Court. This document is pr esented for educational purposes only and should not be a substitute for profess ional legal services. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cut line

When recorded, return to: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ PRE-NUPTIAL CONTRACT A Sacred Marriage Covenant/Contract/Agreement To all to whom these Presents shall come, know Ye: In keeping with the Spiritual guidance of the Set-Apart (Holy) Scriptures, a nd keeping in harmony with the Constitution for the united States of America A.D . 1787, the original commercial contract and covenant between the Sovereign "We the People" and our created Government, whereby and wherein "We the People" did not, have not, and will not yield our Sovereignty to those agencies which "We" c reated to serve Us, and to the extent that a license is permission of a state; i t is declared by the First Article of the Bill of Rights for that Constitution ( as was the intent of its framers), that "Congress shall make no law respecting a n establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. " Therefo re, when a state requires a license for a "Sacred Ecclesiastical Marriage Covena nt," it violates the Constitutional Rights of those who desire to exercise their "freedom of religion." It is the desire of the Parties herein to enter into a S acred Marriage Covenant, which is a religious exercise. Therefore, this Sacred M arriage Covenant is not, nor can it be, established, regulated, or in any way li censed by this state, or any other party or agency. The bonding relationship of this Nuptial Contract, herein designated as a "S acred Marriage Covenant," derives its power of authority and existence from the One Supreme Elohim (God) of all creation, whose name is Yahweh, and His resurrec ted and ascended Son Yahshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ), who is our Master a nd King, and no other. The terms herein have been Ecclesiastically established b

y the Parties in the sight of Yahweh, and as attested by the undersigned Witness es. Both the Constitution for the united States of America A.D. 1787 and the sta te Constitution protect freedom of Religion and the Right to Contract/Covenant. These Rights and Powers are also recognized by Common Law, International Law, an d the natural Universal Laws of the Eternal, Supreme, Sovereign Creator Yahweh. This Contract is made and entered into this _________________ day of the ___ _________________ month, in the Year of our Master, Redeemer, A.D. _________________________________________ _______, by and between ___________________________________________ And ____________________________ ________________ the Parties to this Sacred Marriage Covenant, in consideration of the love a nd affection that each of the Parties has for the other, in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived by the Parties hereto, and in consideration of th e contemplated marriage of the Parties to one another. It is anticipated that th e Parties hereto will canonically enter into Holy Matrimony, in accordance with the discipline of the Holy Scriptures and the Scriptural Faith, on the ________________ day of the _______________ _ month, in the year of our Master, Redeemer A.D. __________________________, however, for the purpose of creati ng this Sacred Marriage Covenant, the actual date of the Marriage shall be the e ffective date of this Contract, as attested before the undersigned witnesses, an d in conformance with the jurisdiction of the word of Yahweh, the Eternal Suprem e Sovereign Creator of all. The Parties to this Contract, Mutually Agree as follows: In Gen. 2:18 Yahweh Elohim said, "it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a helpmate." In Gen. 2:24 we read, "This is why a man leaves his father and his mothe r and joins himself to his wife, and they become one body." Yahshua sanctified the marriage commitment in Matt. 19:6 by adding, "The y are no longer two, therefore, but one body. So then, what Elohim has united, m an must not divide." The Parties to this Sacred Marriage Covenant meet all the mandates for a Scriptural Marriage Union. Each of the parties to this Sacred Marriage Covenant has received the bl essing of their parent(s) or guardian(s) to enter into this Holy Matrimony. There are no legal circumstances which would prevent this Marriage union in the jurisdiction and location of this marriage. Both Parties are not currently married, and hold no Marriage Covenant wi th another. Now therefore, in accordance with the above understanding of the Scriptures, the Parties to this Contract do Covenant and agree as follows: _____________________________________ (The man) will take __________________ ____________________ as his wedded wife, to live with her in Holy Marriage accor

ding to the Scriptures, to love her, to cherish her, to comfort her, to honor he r, to provide for her, to keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, will be a faithful husband to her, until parted by death. This is his so lemn vow. ______________________________________ (The woman) will take _______________ _____________________ as her wedded husband, to live with him in Holy Marriage according to the Sc riptures, to love him, to cherish him, to comfort him, to honor him, to obey him , to keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, will be a fai thful wife to him, until parted by death. This is her solemn vow. All Property of whatsoever nature or description, whether real, personal or mixed, and wheresoever situated, now owned or hereafter acquired by each of us, including any separate property, and any banking accounts, shall be considered a nd is hereby declared to be our community property; and, each hereby conveys and quit claims to the other his or her private interest in any separate property h e or she may now own or hereafter acquire so as to convert the same to our commu nity property. Unless otherwise agreed to in an attachment hereto. Upon the Death of either of the aforementioned Parties to this Covenant, tit le to all community property as herein defined shall immediately vest in fee sim ple absolute in the survivor of us, then to our heir(s), and/or as designated in our will. Each Party Hereto acknowledges that he/she is making this Contract of his/h er own free will and volition; and acknowledges that no coercion, force, pressur e, or undue influence has been employed against him/her in negotiations leading to the execution of this Contract either by the other Party hereto or by any oth er one whomsoever; and declares that no reliance whatsoever is placed upon any r epresentations or promises other than those expressly set forth herein. Each has read this Sacred Marriage Covenant carefully before signing and understands it to be a lawfully binding Contract. In Witness whereof the parties hereto execute this Contract in triplicate th e day, the month, and the year first written above, and have hereunto set their hands.

His Seal __________________________________________

Her Seal __________________________________________ Attested: _________________________________


_________________________________ Note: Filing this Sacred Marriage Covenant with the office of the County Rec

order is for the Public Notification of this Covenant. Keep one signed original for the Parties to Contract, one signed original for each Attestor to the Marria ge Covenant for safekeeping.

Note: this is copy No. ______ of _______ original copies. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cut line Note: Make at least (4) "original" signed copies. One "original" for each wi tness (to keep for you in "trust"), and one to keep for your own records. Filing an "original" document with the office of the County Recorder is for the Public Notification only, but is recommended to preserve the document, and for additio nal proof of Marriage date.

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