Comp and Comm Lesson For Quadrilateraldefinition

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Comprehension and Communication Lesson: Definition of Quadrilateral Michael Buhler, Jeremy Hidalgo, Jameson Hardy, McCall Eldredge

Definition: A quadrilateral is a figure that consists of four segments called its sides. The sides intersect at their endpoints, called the quadrilaterals vertices, so that each vertex is the endpoint of exactly two sides. Objective: Students will understand and explain the definition of a quadrilateral. (Comprehension and Communication) The Message is Sent to the Students: Write the above definition of a quadrilateral on the board. Invite a student to read the definition for the class. The Message is Rephrased and Explained: Restate the above definition in laymans terms, for example: In other words, a quadrilateral is an enclosed four sided shape. Students are Questioned about Specifics in the Message: Draw five separate shapes on the board: two quadrilaterals, one quadrilateral with two segments crossing, one triangle, and one octagon. Phrase the following question individually for each shape to the students: Based on the definition, is this shape a quadrilateral and why? Students are Provided with Feedback on Their Responses to Questions Raised in Stage 3: We will open up the floor for discussion after each identification by asking, Does anyone disagree? After the class reaches a conclusion, we will decide if further clarification is needed.


Looking at the following shape decide whether it is a quadrilateral or not and write a paragraph to explain your reasoning.

Rubric: 0 1 Student identifies it is not a quadrilateral 0 1 Answer effectively argues why this is not a quadrilateral 0 1 Student writes a coherent paragraph that includes nothing erroneous or extraneous

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