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Job Search Diagnostic TM Report for John Sample - 2/21/2012

Congratulations on completing this first step toward accelerating your job search. Based on your responses to the questions in the Diagnostic, we are able to provide you with this personalized feedback on your job search effectiveness to date and offer specific suggestions for improvement. Your report contains this Summary Page showing your Overall Score and scores for each of the 3 Principles which are the foundation of a successful job search. The following pages provide further detail and analysis including your scores for the 22 Factors that comprise these 3 Principles. Use these analyses as well as the information on page 6, "Your Job Search Priorities", to determine and prioritize specific actions you can take to improve your search. Then refer to the "Dx Resource & Action Planning Guide" for more information on each Principle and Factor, potential action items for each Factor, and help in developing your action plan.

73% 46% 56%

Your Overall Job Search Effectiveness Score is: 17.5 out of 30.0.
1.0 2.0 3.0 Market Realities Score


Search Execution Score



Inner Game Score



Based on your Overall Job Search Effectiveness Score, it appears you are running a moderately effective job search. This suggests that there are a number of areas for improvement on which you should focus to accelerate your search progress. Although this overall score is very important, each one of the 3 Principles can independently have dramatic consequences on your success, so make sure you review the individual results and detailed analyses on the following pages to create an action plan that will be most effective for you.


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Job Search Diagnostic - Market Realities Report for John Sample - 2/21/2012
One of the cornerstones of a successful job search is having a clear understanding of how the job market operates and how to best capitalize on your individual skills, experiences, qualifications and other qualities. In todays fiercely competitive job market, it is crucial to have a clear focus, qualifications that match that focus, and a sufficient number of potential opportunities in the market. Unfortunately, landing that next job is often less about what you want, than what you are perceived to be qualified for by hiring managers. So, while we are big fans of pursuing ones passion in a career, if your own personal career calculus requires replicating your previous level of income, you need to heed the market realities in this section.

1.0 Market Realities



Congratulations! Your Market Realities score of 7.3 indicates that you are well positioned to capitalize in the marketplace on your qualifications, skills, and other attributes. From your results, it appears you have a search objective that is consistent with your capabilities, and that there is sufficient market demand for you to be successful with your current objective. We do recommend, however, that you review the five Factor scores below, and if any fall in the Low range, consider what improvements, if any, can be made, since difficulties in any one of these areas can derail an otherwise excellent job search.




The degree to which your search is proactive and targeted (vs. reactive and opportunistic) Low




Your qualifications relative to your objective(s) High




Your professional and educational credentials and skills Moderate


Personal Attributes


The personal attributes that affect how others react to you High


Market Demand


The strength and size of your job market, i.e. the number of potential opportunities for you High


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Job Search Diagnostic - Search Execution Report for John Sample - 2/21/2012
Conducting a successful job search requires a comprehensive set of skills, extending well beyond the familiar areas of resume, job boards, and interviewing. In our view there are 12 key areas (Factors) to learn and master - all are needed to execute a high quality marketing campaign. By leveraging all 12 Factors, you will create awareness, generate opportunities, convert these opportunities to interviews, and get to the offer. Often job seekers rely too heavily on one or more areas and neglect others. This section will help you identify the specific areas involved in Search Execution that you should focus on to accelerate your progress. To win in this highly competitive job market you must be at the "top of your game" - and leveraging all aspects of these Search Execution skills is crucial.

2.0 Search Execution



The bad news: your Search Execution score of 4.6 indicates that you are most likely not running a particularly effective search. The good news: there may well be significant areas for improvement, including some relatively "low hanging fruit". This is very common, and in fact typical, of job seekers who have not had the benefit of job search training and experience. There are many misperceptions about what it takes to run a successful job search campaign, and there are also a number of biases that many job seekers have about how to spend their time. Perhaps you are subject to one or more of these misperceptions or biases. We strongly encourage you to review the detailed results of the 12 job search Factors below. Look for any areas in which you scored high and keep up those efforts. As importantly, look for one or two areas in which you have a low score - and seek out the knowledge and assistance that you need to improve in these areas. This course of action will almost certainly lead to a significant improvement in your overall search progress. Good luck!




The fundamental self-marketing document reflecting your credentials, accomplishments and value Moderate




Your ability to use this crucial social media application "to find and be found"




Your portfolio of additional written and oral job search messaging tools




The most important and complex job search skill




Your savvy in leveraging this often important channel to the job market Moderate


Job Boards


Your effectiveness in using this channel to the visible job market High


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Brand Awareness


Your productive use of other often-overlooked job search techniques




Your ability to successfully help employers understand how you will meet their needs Moderate




Your competence in striking the right bargain and closing the deal Moderate

2.10 Search Management



The organizational tools and techniques that bring structure and effectiveness to your search

2.11 Metrics - Effort


Numbers don't lie. This measures the quality and quantity of your efforts. Moderate

2.12 Metrics - Results


Numbers don't lie, Part II. Converting your pipeline: turning opportunities into offers. Moderate


2011-2012 JobSearchDx LLC. All Rights Reserved

Job Search Diagnostic - Inner Game Report for John Sample - 2/21/2012
The way we manage our emotions during the job search, or as we refer to it, the "Inner Game of job search, can have a significant impact on our success. Our experience is that over 90% of unemployed job seekers find managing the Inner Game every bit as challenging, if not more so, than other aspects of the search. As importantly, improvement in the Inner Game can lead to direct improvement in one's job search performance, particularly in the all-important areas of interviewing and networking. The Inner Game may be the least "tangible" area of the three Principles in the Job Search Diagnostic, but it can be the most critical, particularly for those experiencing a lengthy search. Review your scores below carefully to see how you might benefit from an improved Inner Game.

3.0 Inner Game



Good. Your Inner Game score of 5.6 indicates you are managing your emotions reasonably well during the inevitable ups and downs of the job search. In general, while you are likely to have an overall positive approach to your search, you may periodically be derailed by setbacks or bad days, and could therefore benefit from some further focus on this area. We encourage you to review the five Inner Game Factors below, particularly any that fall in the Low range, and challenge yourself to continue to improve in this area.




Your motivation: the desire to succeed and the effort you are willing to invest in your search High




Your underlying beliefs about the job search process that play a pivotal role in how you execute Low




Your willingness and ability to manage change and embrace new ideas Moderate




The degree to which a positive approach influences your job search Low




The constructive routines you develop that support your search efforts Low


2011-2012 JobSearchDx LLC. All Rights Reserved

Job Search Diagnostic - Your Job Search Priorities Report for John Sample - 2/21/2012
Below is a preliminary list of your job search priorities. It includes each of the 22 Factors from the previous pages ranked in order of priority (the longer the bar, the higher the priority). The length of each bar is based on your RFI Score (shown within each bar) which represents your Room for Improvement for that Factor. These RFI Scores are calculated based on your Diagnostic results and our proprietary weightings which incorporate the specifics of your personal situation. Confused? Dont be. Simply focus your efforts on the Factors that will yield the most improvement for you - the top, longest bars. Of course, remember that these are preliminary scores and you should refer to the Dx Resource & Planning Guide before building your Action Plan.

2.4 Networking (Search Execution) 2.2 LinkedIn (Search Execution) 2.7 Brand Awareness (Search Execution) 2.11 Metrics - Effort (Search Execution) 2.10 Search Management (Search Execution) 2.1 Resume (Search Execution) 2.3 Messaging (Search Execution) 3.4 Attitudes (Inner Game) 3.2 Paradigms (Inner Game) 1.1 Focus (Market Realities) 3.5 Habits (Inner Game) 2.5 Recruiters (Search Execution) 2.12 Metrics - Results (Search Execution) 2.8 Interviewing (Search Execution) 3.3 Adaptors (Inner Game) 2.9 Negotiating (Search Execution) 3.1 Drivers (Inner Game) 1.3 Credentials (Market Realities) 1.5 Market Demand (Market Realities) 1.2 Fit (Market Realities) 2.6 Job Boards (Search Execution) 1.4 Personal Attributes (Market Realities)

11.3 11.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 6.8 6.7 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.7 4.5 4.0 3.3 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.6

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Job Search DiagnosticTM - Raw Survey Scores

Pri Fa Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Pri Fa Q Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Fa Q

1 is low, 5 is high

Market Realities 1.1 Focus Interests, Strengths, Drivers Position Targeting Company Type 1.2 Fit Pursuit Area: Function Pursuit Area: Industry Pursuit Area: Level Qualifications Years Experience Compensation 1.3 Credentials Years with Last Employer Avg. Years with Employers Employers' Reputation Education Reputation Career Progression Rate Currency of Skills 1.4 Personal Attributes Appearance Likeability Energy Confidence Communications 1.5 Market Demand No. of Potential Opportunities Open to Non-Full-Time Open to Relocation Search Execution 2.1 Resume Visually Engaging Powerful Brief Profile Well-organized and Complete Accomplishments 2.2 LinkedIn Profile Current and Complete Search Optimized 200+ 1st Degree Connections 2.3 Messaging Cards, Email, Voice Mail Search Correspondence 1-page Networking Profile Oral Messaging 4 Questions 2.4 Networking Comfortable with Networking Skilled Technique Get New Contacts Participate in Groups 2.5 Recruiters How Recruiters Work Database of Relevant Recruiters Level of Awareness 2.6 Job Boards Know Relevant Job Boards

3 2 1 5 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 2 3 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 3

3 1 4 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 3 5

Q Q Fa Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q Pri Fa Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Fa Q Q Q Q

Resume Posted and Search Agents Creative Screen-In Techniques 2.7 Brand Awareness Use Technology and SocialMedia Industry Events and Publications Direct Marketing 2.8 Interviewing Visual, Vocal, Verbal Prepared for Interview Types Ready for Top 20 Questions Communicate Accomplishments Intangible Factors 2.9 Negotiating Prepared for Comp. Questions References Ready Evaluate Multiple Offers Skill in Negotiating Terms 2.1 Search Management Have Efficient System Weekly Goals Member of Search Team Organize Time Well 2.1 Metrics - Effort Months on Search Hours per Week % Time Networking Avg. Weekly Networking Meetings 2.1 Metrics - Results Opportunities Pursued Initial Screenings Follow-up Interviews Job Offers Inner Game 3.1 Drivers Financial Motivation Non-financial Motivation Effort Devoted to Search 3.2 Paradigms Being Unemployed Transition Feeling Expectation of Success Networking Attitude 3.3 Adaptors Job Loss Reaction Openness to New Ideas, Skills Flexibility Re: Alternatives 3.4 Attitudes Resilience Persistence Optimism 3.5 Habits Regular Postive Practices Support System Helping Others Sense of Accomplishment

4 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 2 4 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 3 5 1

4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7

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Job Search Diagnostic


Now that you have reviewed your Diagnostic report, we hope you have developed considerable insight about your search effectiveness: whats involved in a successful search, what you are doing well, and where you may need improvement. Its time to turn these insights into action. This section contains instructions for developing an Action Plan - a structured process that will involve reviewing your priorities and determining specific next steps. If youre inclined to skip this process, dont. Adding structure to the search is a great source of leverage and can benefit you tremendously. Action Planning will give you direction. It will keep you from being overwhelmed. It will enable you to focus on your few, critical priorities, and give you an ongoing sense of accomplishment. And of course it will help you land faster. Your Personal Action Plan will focus on the relatively near term (30-60 days) and contain no more than 10 to 20 items. Heres how youll get there: Step 1 Review Page 6, Your Job Search Priorities. This page contains all 22 Job Search Factors within the 3 Principles ranked in priority order. It will give you a preliminary view of the areas of the search on which you should focus first - and those that dont require much or any further work. Step 2 Validate your Top 5 Priorities - Validate that the top five priorities on Page 6 are indeed the most important focus areas for you. To do this, review your responses on Page 7 of the report and if possible also discuss your results with a colleague, partner or job search coach. If you believe the prioritization on the report is not appropriate, restate your Top 5 priorities, choosing from among the list of the total 22 Factors. List your final Top 5 priority Factors in column 1 in the worksheet on the next page. Step 3 Develop 2 - 3 Action Items for Each of the Top 5 Priorities. For each of the Top 5 Priority Factors, identify 2 to 3 actionable steps that you can take within the next 30 days to improve your effectiveness. See Page 7, Raw Survey Scores for insight on development ideas for each Factor. Your action items should follow the SMART guideline, i.e. be Specific, Measureable, Actionable, Results oriented, and Time bound. An example for Factor 2.01 Interviewing would be Review the 10 most common interview questions, develop responses, and practice each. Write these Action Items in Column 2 of the worksheet. Then for each Action Item, identify any required resources and a target completion date and write those in columns 3 and 4. Step 4 Use this Action Plan over the next 30 days. Each day, work on your key priorities and keep track of your progress. We recommend reviewing your list and updating it on a weekly basis. Record completed items, track your progress, and give yourself credit for improving your search effectiveness! While you may occasionally need to take time away from working on these Action Items for urgent matters such as interview prep, be persistent in your follow through and stick to your plan. Step 5 Develop your ongoing action Plan. After 30 days, review the action items from your original plan, carryover those not completed and identify the next 5 Priorities and develop action items for those. Continue to use this Prioritization / Action Planning process to advance your search.


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Some Additional Thoughts: Be savvy about complementing your Action Plan with other resources. Theres a lot involved in running a comprehensive search - and much to be learned. But there are many excellent resources available on virtually all search topics - often free or inexpensive. So find and use the resources coaches, books, websites - that will help you execute best. Develop a rhythm and checkpoints to your process. Find a regular time each week to review your progress and to set goals for the following week. If possible, do this with someone else - a coach, other job seekers, or a trusted colleague. Accountability to others often drives results. Stay with it. For most, running an effective search is more like a marathon than a sprint. Set realistic expectations, make progress every week and continue to look for ways to improve. Stay with it and you will succeed.

Job Search Action Plan


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