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Method and materials

First of all,we prepare the medium. The first medium is mixture of organic matter which are cocopeat(50%) and sand(50%), ratio 1:1. Second medium is mixture of soil(16%),cocopeat(50%) and sand(34%), ratio 1:3:2 and the third medium is contained the same as second mixture but different ratio. The ratio is 1:2:3. After that, we put each medium in 10 polybags. So, the total polybags that we have is 30. Next step is, we collect the cuttings. Before we do the cuttings we choose wood type and section type. Then, we slanting cut below a node with secateurs. We collect 30 cuttings. Before we plant, we apply some flower rooting hormone(sardex) to the cut tip. Then, we insert cutting into polybags. We make sure that we place the polybags under the shade and keep moisture.we just need to wait the improvement of our plants. We collect the data per week . finally, we identify the best medium for our propagation by cuttings. The mediums that we used in our experiment: secateurs,scope,ruler, wheelbarrow, soil, organic matter(cocopeat),sand, flower rooting hormone(sardex) and branches of Durenta Rapens.

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