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Credit Request: HN410: Human Services Delivery

After completing this course, you should be able to: 1: Identify data necessary for human services delivery 2: Analyze data that informs the development of human services delivery 3: Design ethical evaluations and interventions based on data analysis GEL-7.4: Evaluate the reasoning of opposing perspectives on ethical issues GEL-1.1: Demonstrate collegelevel communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English Viva! Choices, October 2004 to Present Yuba-Sutter Legal Center for Seniors, August 1999 to August 2001 Professionals Caring for Seniors, March 2000 to 2008 Collaborated with a consultant to develop the Viva! Choices Client Assessment for collection of data that would be essential for determining goals, providing services and empowering the client whenever possible Determined that beyond the need to collect basic information about the client including name, address and telephone number, the assessment should include the collection of data in 5 major categories Included the following categories in the Viva! Choices assessment: Client History, Functional Assessment, Functional Capabilities, Home Safety, Cognitive Function and Psychological Function Implemented a process for the collection of data for analysis that included the use of a laptop for direct data entry removing a step in the process of successfully servicing the clients needs Compiled information on a small group of sample clients using the Viva! Choices client assessment Formulated plans for 2 members of the sample group based on an analysis of the data collected Decided that the data collected when studied implied the Letter of Verification from Michelle Witt

Viva! Choices Assessment

following: develop a process to manage prescription drugs, find a reputable person to drive client to doctors appointments, assist client with making home improvements for accessibility and recommend a therapist for help with grief counseling Designed a plan for delivery of services via vetted service providers which included a timeline Developed a system of accountability for Viva! Life Service providers that included the use of mobile equipment for scheduling, documentation of client information and client signature Determined that dealing with the ethical issues in assisting clients with their needs was highly affected by other professionals, family and friends Determined that opposing perspectives on ethical issues are based on core beliefs, ethical perspectives and situational conditions

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