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Def lnLtion,


n Skpper ?aotot isa btysh/us, DC tmotozwhose raba votutes tn dis*e.

engvlor incaements whenlts sfahr

windin|s qre utebgtsed in a pnan,nal YnanneT. otation occurs burqus^ R o(

the nAnet?crvcie.raeh,oryt befween dle valorFo/es po/re og tAe sefuontial/ ""d %isecl ahhr ctindt,.vrgs, >ot\r has The ho elecbica/ oin/tngs,but has sa/tznt on|/ ov manehsed po/a,,
( C,ef i jroy a,egiro"r,n, n
Brttisb darc(
o, Pdvt6 0, tlcz

cif;ealron, fpfBsSao No.

x A SltepPer a A).gifa-/ is d,-ctuq/ot

uhose lytpvt is in {otn o(

p.,E?n^?}4 med

enevftzaf ion oNt'he s{at"r umel,^*g

ornJ- uLose ocipt k tn tlte -!uv^ of

d.tscre/eqngu/ar Tota,lo n. t
l'n U*vpvtez c,ntml

i\ rdea lly svit"rt {or vse as a.n qe Lualo

sysfeyils, oh,gita!

Con trol- sys ten

rl con(nl sys{evn cnpbl irg stepryr nuto

o\s ecLuatois a>e Knowh 4s int>emon4

Ct N cs)

5 teppe?r tar s, CoTts/ruc fio tian

+ cottsdbo# a slotted s/aloa eprppsl tw oDmoae indivihua( coi/s
' )t o, ru/oa e/rucrloe that catrrres 7D *rna/r*f ,


* C/assifr'C'ofton s{epfrz Inorbrs, of &+od

up6an tlre desirn o8 rctot @ if it is p>Dvial ailA a e& F1nanvnl ng! ne qLtacA"a cls ,slat( b : it rs col/d a. O ff the,perrneytent ^nrognetis no{ rnclud irr the nlat sfruetwe, tlren iL is called + TAe pte'sence of Lle pe,rnanevrfm|nel

P%!?L?t:Wf nS!{Pt"U_qlSpt r^ry9bg

VgEtqble^ yctq\cf _s_t<ppsa*yuo Tl

t"rnrsA a /A< nloha udl tle ezuirara o{ a.anstarnt DC ez.c,tehayr ,

one& mote o/ s{alor coi/s flzus,uAevt

obe enetgized-, Llre- nt"hine rnobtr. ^ Symehoowus


Cov,stnrrfio- deLatls o8 PIE sLepp<E

1 A A F * ,

ynodz fot ^ fouo-po/e-s/ahz arn/ o {tve pole >olor ,sfruefvbe:

i sra'lar
I 2--l

io^*, I
o . b

VefuJ ab o--G Sh.outrohf Po}4l

Azial vieuJ s hcrr.ri*t PM

o.f S- Pol'e iQ. Polaz

o.t+o"e},e*t'.'o atorr s h q'ft.

CYo3g - see*iatnoj vcirnl a4 ^b- b ShDrAi.g z'otar

Poles ol N^ Pot PulaarlF

i,iu Ari,,o;,+ iN i ,*rirr* orie,htro

o{ zolooslrve)ua? is lo norne};l>. entl of po/es af oneend a,f >orbr willt ^ M-p/epo!"v/y an{, ail ol po/e a.{ ollez ewl

uilA a S-po/e pDlari/y.

po/e ae-t of ror\r Lhe A,/^

h Le. daplateet fiPr/o n


13 aWaor4



. . , . , 4 - l

+ TA,synrrct>y t,A.{ eztsls l/,

ttr" s/a:Lr

poles 0^rt eocl e"/ a{ rotor 7o/es, na'ke

eaeh >ottv po/e set behov ln ah idn['cA


h lor e,A: il CoilAA' is t*Suwted- be nnarfrze

al hfe[ ^ N'Ple poloartY AaMI S-po/e P!^tq belwevnM a{ shlat ol ft', Lherelnlronal,P

md. S7,SearA 55a{ tAe nlor ,"rr#

Nl ,N2, arnd, 5 o4 Lhe )rlor, N

eza.tly tb +hat of S uf lle s*a{ot a,,.c(.

be' -se-id,$r v4rnotwn6 sets o/ po/es,

Sqrne @n


a ofo, a/ron
cai/ nn,en"rTized

?'T/te @AgoM,

lo aavl posi/i?e DC arrtdnt .so bbl uppe) szbrb po/e is 7irwt a M^po/e a/r*j *l.e coddesPbndtm7 /o*er sfahrpo/e /s tnade. 5'-po/e; coc/ Bg',, a-ssunezh k /r-enet;ia
? l


"A 't-f=$f

.!r^ rHfn

s+r'vrfi,ry pofmt

H 5
Fi6ure. lt

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