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Sample of rating criteria for interview questions Hiring Managers/Supervisors should always develop interview questions before conducting

interviews. The same questions should be asked of all job candidates that are interviewed. Developing rating criteria and a scoring system provides more objectivity to the interviewing process. Below are some sample interview questions with rating criteria for scoring responses to interview questions. Sample #1 Describe a time where you had to deliver disappointing/bad news to a customer or a coworker. What was your approach? How was your message received? 5 = The candidate shows both sensitivity and assertiveness in that the message is delivered with empathy for the persons predicament, but is also clear and unambiguous. The candidate would explain the reasons for the decision and, if possible, offer other options that might meet the customers needs. If there are none, the candidate would sympathize with the customers situation. The example used by the candidate is clear, concise, and to the point. S/he was able to retain a good relationship with the customer and to help the customer understand the rationale. 3 = The situation is not as well-defined as it might be but it is clear that the candidate was clear and sympathetic with the customer. 0 = The candidate gave a no answer and nothing more; or gave in to the customer and made an inappropriate decision; or became angry at the customers attitude. 1 Sample #2
Rating Scale 5 Most complete and accurate answer 4 Accurate response but not as complete as 5 3 Acceptable response 2 Insufficient response 1 Not an appropriate response

Describe a time where you disagreed with a peer or colleague (about a significant operational issue). How was it resolved? What did you learn from this experience? -actions were professional, and respectful -based on facts, not emotion -listened to others and remained open minded -candidate has examined his/her own behavior to determine how s/he might have handled it differently/better the candidate learned something from the experience. Score: 1 2 3 4 5

Sample #3 Hiring supervisors/managers may want to consider adding points for overall communication skills. Communication Skills Score: -clear, well thought out answers -complete answers that directly address the question -good eye contact -professional communication style 1 2 3 4 5

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