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Chapter No.

1 Introduction to MCS
Q.1) Explain briefly the various stages of Management Control Process citing salient features of each. Q.2) Differentiated between Strategic Formulation, Management Control & Task Control Q.3) Explain briefly features of an IDEAL management control system. Q.4) Briefly explain the nature of information needed by managers to carry out control activities Q.5) Define MCS. Which level of managers is involved in it? How does MCS differ from Simpler control processes? 2002, 2003, 2006, 2009 2005, 2008, 2010 2004, 2006 2003 2011

Chapter No.2 Organizational Behavior and Hierarchies

Q.1) Discuss the significance of Human Behavioral Pattern in management control. Q2) Explain the concept of Goal Congruence and the various factors which influence the goal congruence within the organization. Q.3) Matrix Structure and Control Q.4) Organizations with Business Division format have observed that Divisional Controller experience divided loyalty in carrying out their functions, causing a possible dysfunction. How could such a situation be resolved? Define role of controller which suits your suggestion. Q.5) Briefly explain with suitable diagrammatic representation, key differences between a functionally structured and profit center decentralized company. Explain two major advantages and disadvantages of each. Q.6) Explain the concept of Goal Congruence and the various factors which influence the goal congruence within the organization Q.7) Briefly describe Functional, Divisional and Matrix Organization. Which is most appropriate from the view point of control? Where are the other two suitable? 2001, 2005 2002, 2007 2003, 2004, 2007, 2009 2003, 2006, 2009


2004, 2009 2011

Chapter No.3 Responsibility Centers

Q.1.) Explain how different types of expenses centers operates with help of sketches. Explain the significance features and budget process in these centers. Q.2) What is responsibility centre? List and explain different types of Responsibility centers in organization. Q.3) Which factors need to be borne in mind by the management in controlling activities of Research and Development? 2001, 2003, 2007, 2010 2002, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011 2003, 2005

Chapter No.4 Profit Centers

Q1) What is profit centre? Explain the condition under which profit center decentralization will be the most beneficial to an organization. Q2) Under which condition management is better advised not to create Profit centers? Explain the advantages of creation of profit centers. Q.3) What are the different methods of measure profits of a profit centre in organizations? Which different messages each type of measures is likely to convey to managers? Q.4) Every SBU is a profit center but every profit center is not a SBU? What are the conditions that should be fulfilled for an organization unit to be converted into a profit center? What are the different ways to measure the performance of profit centers? Discuss their relative merit & demerits. 2001 2002, 2005, 2008 2004 2007, 2009, 2010

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