Debate and Its History, Types and Debate in Bangladesh

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Table of Content
1. What is debate? 2. History of debate 3. Debate history in Bangladesh 4. Ultimate goal 5. Types of debate a. Baroary debate b. Parliamentary debate 6. Rules of parliamentary debate 7. Benefits of debate

What is debate?
Debate or debating is a formal method of interactive and representational argument. Debate is a broader form of argument than logical argument, which only examines consistency from axiom, and factual argument, which only examines what is or isn't the case or rhetoric which is a technique of persuasion.

History of debate:
When we think about the history of debate at first the name comes to our mind is Greece. Yeah, the idea of debate comes from the ancient Greece. That time in Greece there were selected people to take decision for the country. Different advisors take different decisions. For that there always created a debate. By this kind of debate they centralized a decision and that would be good for the country. After that debate made a system of being a centralized decision. But there were no club for the activity. In 1933 the first debate club was formed. And the credit goes to Norfolk Prison colony. They were the first who thought about debate and created a debate team. Their first coach was a woman named Cerise Jack, a regular visitor to the prison. After that debate achieved a form. And that was a small history of debate

Debate history in Bangladesh:

The debate history of Bangladesh we mean by BDF (Bangladesh Debate Federation). Bangladesh Debate Federation (BDF) started its journey in 1991. A group of students who were actively involved in students activities felt the need for an organization to promote and develop the age old art of theosophy turning into modern day battle of wits, called debating. All of them were excellent debaters and under the leadership of Birupaksha Paul (DU) and Niamat Elahee (DUDS). The first elected committee took responsibility from 1992 with Birupaksha Paul and Abdun Noor Tushar as President and Secretary General respectively. BDF organized the first ever debating workshop to train debaters and adjudicators in 1991.

Debate and its ultimate goal:

Debate is a legend term by which we can think differently. We only thing one side of a thing. But debate teaches us how to think in a different way. It motivates us to find out 2 sides of anything. For example, when for the first time we hear the word feminism a negative approach comes from us. But we sit for debate on it we discover both its merit and demerits. So we can say the ultimate goal of debate is to ascertain the reality, the truth and obviously this is a legendary quality. It not only a extracurricular activity but also a quality which helps us how to skilled in our personal life. Debating skill also helps us in our exam strategy.

Types of debate:
There are many types of debate. But formally we do 2 kinds of debate. 1. Baroary debate 2. Parliamentary debate

Baroary debate:
Baroary debate is primary types of debate. Anyone at first get introduced this type of debate first. In this kind of debate 2 groups are formed. One is with the subject and another is against the subject. Each group consists with 3 members. They are first, second and third speaker. Third speaker is the group leader. This debate is known as Shonatoni bitarka in Bangla. This is old type of debate. Now this type of debate is almost vanishing. Because baroary debate is not world wide acknowledged.

Parliamentary debate:
Parliamentary debate is the worldwide declared debate. Sometimes it known as Parli debate It features the competition of individuals in a multi-person setting. It borrows terms such as "government" and "opposition" from the parliament. Throughout the world, parliamentary debate is what most countries know as "debating", and is the primary style practiced in the United Kingdom, India, Greece and most other nations. The premier event in the world of

parliamentary debate, the World Universities Debating Championship, is conducted in the British Parliamentary style.

Parliamentary debate rules:

Parliamentary debate is world-class debating style. So it has specific rules. The rules are given below: Speakers: Government First speaker- Prime minister (5 minutes) Second speaker- Minister (6 minutes) Third speaker- Member of parliament (6 minutes) Speakers: Opposition First speaker- Opposition leader (6 minutes) Second speaker- Opposition co-leader (6 minutes) Third speaker- Opposition member of parliament (6 minutes) Rebuttal: Prime minister ( 3 minutes) Opposition leader (2 minutes)

Points: Point of order:

One may rise to a point of order when a member of the other team has violated the rules for debating. A point of order is addressed to the Speaker of the House. The person making the point rises from his or her seat, interrupts the person speaking, saying, "Speaker, I rise to a point of order," and then states the violation. The clock is stopped while the point of order is under consideration. In most parliamentary competition, a point of order is not debatable; the Opposing team is not permitted to comment upon it. The Speaker of the House rules immediately upon the completion of the point and says, "Point well taken," "point not well taken," or "point taken under consideration," if no immediate ruling is possible.

The Speaker of the House may take the results of the point of order into account in their deliberations, penalizing the team or speaker that has committed the violation.

Point of Personal privilege:

A debater may rise to a point of personal privilege during an opponent's speech when his or her position or argument has been seriously misstated by the Opposing speaker. A point of personal privilege is addressed to the Speaker of the House, who then rules upon it. A point of personal privilege is not debatable.

Point of information:
Points of information are a dynamic and enjoyable part of parliamentary debate. They take the place of the cross-examination periods. However, points of information are raised during the speech of the person questioned. The point of information is a brief rejoinder (fifteen seconds or less) to the point then being made by the person speaking. It may be a concise statement or a pointed question. A point of information is also sometimes used for purposes of clarification. Unlike the point of order or personal privilege, the point of information is directed to the person speaking rather than to the Speaker of the House. To make a point of information, the debater rises, faces the person speaking and signals his or her desire to speak. Either verbally (saying, for example, "Point of information, Speaker!" or "And on that point, Speaker") or nonverbally, by holding a hand out. The person speaking may then allow the point to be stated or refuse to take the point. If the person speaking declines your point, you must sit down. If recognized, you make the point and then sit down. The speaker then responds to the point and continues her or his speech. Points of information are not permitted during rebuttals. Nor are they allowed during the first or last minute of any constructive speech. Each constructive speaker in the debate should both offer and accept points of information. A speaker who declines to accept any points may seem to fear the opponents arguments. On the other hand, a speaker who accepts too many points of information loses control of his or her speech. Usually, a constructive speaker will accept two or three points of information.

Benefits of debate:
Debate is not only an argument. One of the main purposes of debate is to help you to develop decisive awareness. You take a position and then your debate partner challenges it from many points of view. If you can defend the position against all objections and you find that it has no logical inconsistencies and there are no contradictions, you can focus on that position or view with totally decisive awareness that cannot be shaken. We also call this state of mind firm conviction. You need to have this convinced awareness and firm conviction when meditating single- mindedly on any topic, such as impermanence, the equality of self and others, regarding others as more precious than one. Further, debating provides a situation more conducive than meditation for beginners to develop concentration. The challenge of your partner in the debate and the influence of having classmates listening force you to concentrate. When meditating alone, only willpower brings you to stop mentally wandering or falling asleep. In addition, on the monastic debate grounds many debates take place very loudly next to each other. This also forces you to concentrate. If the debates around you distract you or cause you to be annoyed, you are lost. Once you develop concentration skills on the debate ground, you can apply them to meditation, even to meditating in noisy places. Moreover, debate helps to develop your personality. You cannot remain shy and still debate. You must speak up when your opponent challenges you. On the other hand, if you are arrogant or become angry, your mind is unclear and, inevitably, your partner defeats you. At all times, you need to maintain emotional balance. Whether you win or lose, the debate provides an excellent opportunity to recognize the I that is to be refuted. When you think or feel I have won; I am so clever, or I have lost; I am so stupid, you can recognize clearly the projection of a solid, self- important me with which you are identifying. This is the I that is a pure fiction and to be refuted.

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