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Hospital Management

This is a database of a Multispecialty Hospital which has doctors with different specializations who treat patients will different ailments. Every patient is given an ID so that he can be tracked easily. All the records are maintained so that at any time the data can be used to see the details. It can be used in our Hospital for maintaining patient details and their medical history. Also the database contains the details of the doctors so that a record is maintained about the doctors qualification, specialization and other contact details. Also we are able to maintain the records of the drugs that are available in the Hospital there expiry date, price etc.

Hospital Management Database is designed overall for our hospital, to cover a wide range of hospital administration and management processes. It is an integrated end-to-end Hospital Management System that provides relevant information across the hospital to support effective decision making for patient care, hospital administration and critical financial accounting, in a seamless flow. Hospital Management Database is designed to improve the quality and management of clinical care and hospital health care management in the areas of clinical process analysis and activity-based costing. Hospital Management System enables you to develop your organization and improve its effectiveness and quality of work. Managing the key processes efficiently is critical to the success of the hospital helps you manage your processes.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Count of all the Doctors on the basis of specialization Detail of all the male Doctors from Delhi Details of Doctor whose intercom ID is 111 or 114 Drugs whose expiry date is between 201-14 & price more than 500 Find data of all the students who have diagnosis date in Feb Find details of all patients who were born in 1970's Find details of all the drugs which cost more than Rs. 1000 Find records of all doctors who are MBBS Find the detail of doctors who have specialized in Cardiology Find the detail of the patients who were attended by Sam Find the details of all the patients who have Blood group O+ Give all the details of patients who consulted Vidit Yadav Give all the patient details who were prescribed the drug G01 Number of patient State wise Update mobile number of doctor whose id is P01

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