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Operation Swinger

Operation baseplate succession still arise around the HQ as the higher in London, but its not over yet. Intel have returned in with scary facts about the Hizbullah & talibans have strongified their stronghold around the cities, Agresoran and Yanotabir with weapon stashes all around as new fresh recruits from the mountains. HQ have decided to send in 6th Airborne regiment to clear out the place and find the weapon stashes as intel says there would be around four weapon hideout for the talibans near the area. We also recevied a radio snappet from FOB MIKE 1 that they are under heavy attack and need assistance asap, I would recommend heading there first with vehicles or/and air.

Operation structure - First Section [Main Assault team] -Second Section [Support & reinforcement]

Resources 4x CAS - Rotary & Fixed Transport vehicles - Jackals, Warriors & Rotary. Mortar - Unknown.

Enemy strength Strength - Strong - Size - Unknown

RoE#1 - Fire on upon fire #2 - Do not engange civilians #3 - Watch out for civil structure!

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