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I have another question. I cannot get the two switches in a stack. I am not sure i do the right thing.

I do on both switches: stack forced-mode save config reload But the it tells me that i need to save the config. when i do it again and do a reload it tells me it is already doing a reload. Am i doing it wrong? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Solution Answer Stack forced-mode allows you to continue to manage the stack using the stack IP if the stack breaks and only one unit is left. Go to the CLI and type show sys-info. Next to sysDescr, does it say "stack enabled"? Nortel/Avaya decided to license stacking on those devices. If they are stack enabled, you should be able just to connect the two switches together on the rear ports. If they aren't stack enabled, you could trunk the two switches together using ports 25 and 26. Build the trunks as a MLT and connect the two together. To build the MLT, type this: vlan member add 2 25-26 vlan port 25-26 tagging tagall no mlt mlt 1 name "Stack" enable member 25-26 learning normal Repeat on both switches, put two cables between ports 25 and 26 on both switches and you'll have a MLT trunk between the two switches. You'll have to manage each independently, but it saves having to buy a stack license. tlpeter (Programmer) That works too (i think) I still have to see what happens when i pull one of both cables to see if i did it the right way. Do you have any recommendations what else to setup? 25 Aug 11 9:45

I believe that QOS is done with this:


vlan ports 1-28 tagging unTagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filterunregistered-frames enable priority 0 Do i need to give VLAN 2 a prioirty? Any other things to mind on these switches?

BAZINGA! I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

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VinceWhirlwind (TechnicalUser) I think the way to do QoS is (at least in part) as per this old config of mine: qos qos qos qos if-group name Uplink class trusted if-group name Users class unrestricted if-assign port 1/1-47 name Users if-assign port 1/48 name Uplink

25 Aug 11 23:59

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