IB Exploration HMWK W6 T1 Commitment

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IB Exploration- Week 2

Attitude; Commitment
commitment |kmitmnt|
noun 1 the act of committing or the state of being committed.

Area 1; Find an adult to interview who has demonstrated the attitude of commitment. Identify why they exemplify the attitude of commitment and what it was that they were/are committed to. (Example- A family member may have achieved a lifelong goal or ambition by committing their time and efforts to prepare and train them self.) If you are unable to find a person who has demonstrated commitment in order to reach a goal, use your skills as an inquirer to research either of the following people who became famous because of their amazing commitment; Lance Armstrong (cyclist), Graham Henry (coach), Sir Peter Leitch (businessman). Area 2; Reflect on the person you interviewed or researched. Now collaborate with one or more classmates and share what you learned about your person. Begin to record some similarities and differences; My person is... Similarities My friends person is...

My persons skills, qualities, actions, behvaiours...

My friends persons skills, qualities, actions, behvaiours...

Area 3; Think about your central idea during this unit; Who I Am Shapes What I Aspire to Become. How does the attitude of commitment connect with the central idea? Think of up to 5 reasons why the attitude of commitment is so important during this particular unit of inquiry. You will share as a class during your inquiry time.
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Homework- Week 6 Term 1 Year 7

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