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Migration and Remittances Factbook

Development Prospects Group

Migration and Remittances in Nepal

This is a snapshot of migration and remittances based on available data from various sources.
Emigration, 2005

Stock of emigrants: 753,662 Stock of emigrants as percentage of population: 2.8% Top 10 destination countries: India, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, United States, United Kingdom, Brunei, Rep. of Korea, Japan, Germany, Australia.

Sources: UNPD, Development Prospects Group. Skilled Emigration, 2000

Emigration rate of tertiary educated: 2.7% Emigration of physicians: 19 or 1.6% of physicians trained in the country

Sources: Docquier and Marfouk (2004), Docquier and Bhargava (2006). Immigration, 2005

Stock of immigrants: 818,582 Stock of immigrants as percentage of population: 3.0% Female as percentage of immigrants: 69.1% Refugees as percentage of immigrants: 15.3% Top 10 source countries: India, Bhutan, Pakistan, China, Australia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, New Zealand.

Sources: UNPD, UNHCR, Development Prospects Group. Remittances

(US$ million) Inward remittance flows of which Workers' remittances Compensation of employees Migrants' transfer Outward remittance flows of which Workers' remittances Compensation of employees Migrants' transfer

2000 111 111 .. .. 17 17 .. ..

2001 147 147 .. .. 24 24 .. ..

2002 678 655 23 .. 34 33 1 ..

2003 771 744 27 .. 26 25 1 ..

2004 823 793 30 .. 64 63 1 ..

2005 1,211 1,126 85 .. 65 60 5 ..

2006 1,211* .. .. .. 65 .. .. ..

* 14.9% of GDP in 2006. This table reports officially recorded remittances. The true size of remittances, including unrecorded flows through formal and informal channels, is believed to be larger. Sources: Development Prospects Group.

Migration and Remittances Factbook is compiled by Dilip Ratha and Zhimei Xu, Migration and Remittances Team, Development Prospects Group, World Bank. More information on other countries and regions are available at


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