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Conijden6al . Brian P
Sent: Thu Mar 18 14:32:36 2010
To: Sepulvado, R; Sepulvado, Ronald W: Vidrine, Don J; Lee, Earl P (Oper Dril)
Cc: Hafle, Mark E; Gurde, John; Cocales, .Brett W; Walz, Gregory S; Sims, David C; Burns, Tim A
Subject: Macondo - Updated PP/FG and Mud schedule
lmpor.tanc.e: Normal
Attachments: Macondo_PP _MW_FG_'i1iUS_horizon Rig rev1.ZIP
Anachcd is a basic PPIFG .and mua schedule with the new predictions for Maco11do. The ltigher pressured sands
h<\<-elx.""Cn 11scd as a base for pressure, and most likely the shale's will .be n good deal lower. The key areas to note
Tight margins in 1hc II 7/8'' intcn:a1 (TD - 15,050- 15200'- good sluilc pnckage), will require 0.3 dcviatio.n
from MMS (will ger once we lmve a LOT)
9-7/S*.Iillcr planned for -I 7 .. .(good sllafc p:ackagc)- subject to change
TD wilr itolcwith 7" or7-5/S" x 9-7/S" long stri ng irwe find somcUting and arcablc to source
pipe. (need to ut:lkc sure we have5-L/2" DP ror .this intcr\':tl from TD to lop of9-7/&'' riner}
***All line$ onlhc auachcd.cltart arc DH cquivnlcmuumbcrs. I have included.notes on the chart "ith the
estimated surfhce mud .weight io achiC\'C these based offMi's modeling.
Let me know if you ,h:we any CJ.UCStions.
Thank You,
.Brinn Morel
<< .. .">>
WIT: ______ _
BP"HZN-MBI 00112983

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