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From: Skripnikova,Galina Sent: Fri Mar 26 23:24:11 2A,t0 To: Bondurant,Charles H Subject: RE: MC252 #1 (STOOBPO0) lmportiance: Normat

We had sandin l)8949-8953- gasand resistivityincrease 2)12120.5-12123tiny but lvasgasincrease 3)12233-12236- resistir4tyincrease but don't seegas, no cuttings sample taken there 4) and the one wc took kick at 13248_13252.5 What do you think? Can eliminate 2)
From: Bondurant,CharlesH

Sent: Friday.March 26,20104:20pM To: Cc: Skripnikova,Galina

Morel, Brian p; Bellow, JonailranM; Boesiger, Todd Subject: tW: tr4Ct252 (S.l'00tsp00) #l

Galinacanyouhelpuswith this? we need to list massive hydrocarbon bearing sands wehaveencountered in thewell' I believe ha! t""? il;;,;;;r"na the. tlat we ,n. th. p.k"i;ii; with Garina Monday comprere on to the

Chuck Bonduront
BP GeologistEGoNO( Westlake4 020658 Office # (28t) 366-j548 f,'rom: Morel, BrianpSent Friday,March26, 20103:36pM To: Bellow, Jonathan Bondurant, M; CharlesH; Boesiger, Todd Subject FW: MC252 #l (ST00BP00) cal oneofyou please out the attached fill word document the origrnalwellbore for from seafloor 13.305,? to Thank You, Brian Morel

To: Morel, Brian p Subjecfi MC2s2 #l (ST00BP00) will you plcascscnd mc thc final rvcllborc for thc original holc? I will nccd to filc thc End of opcrations Rcport. I will also needzonevmarkersso would you fo.waro on the-attached fo.- t" tir. igtt contactfor me? Thanks! Heather Heather powett

From:Powell.Heaffi pent: Ihursday. March25.2010 AM 6:52


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