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Danilo Palacpac .

1)Methods/ Strategies a. Inductive/ Deductive



Students are able to defined what is asked by the teacher and they are able to give examples. Students learned how to organize their ideas before presenting it to the class. Students were able to think of formulas that they will use in solving the problem. Students are able to execute/show proper procedures in solving the problems in the board.

To be critical on what they will define and also in giving examples. They are able to think critically. Students acquire selfconfidence in reporting and she/he explain well his/her report.

The teacher gave jokes related to the topic/lesson and so students were able to construct an idea regarding the lesson. The teacher gave additional points in the recitation especially those who were assigned to report in class.

b. Reporting

c. Problem Solving

Students are able to solve By giving examples the problem in a fast in an related to the problem accurate manner. in relation to our daily lives. Students were able to show to their classmates what they learned or what they solved on the board. The teacher gave additional points to the leader of the group who presents their report in the class and he gave praises and encouragement to the students.

d. Board Exercises

2) Instructional Materials a. Chalk and board Students learned best when they see the topic/lesson written on the board. To test the students knowledge regarding scientific calculators. Students will able to analyze well as they read the topic on the board. The teacher asked a volunteer students to solve on the board so that he will test the ability of the student. The teacher taught the procedure to the students on how to store the answer through the STO memory.

b. Scientific Calculator

Students are able to use the scientific calculator in solving problems.

3) Assessment tools

a. Giving of assignments and quizzes after the discussion.

To test if the students know how to solve properly the problem.

Students are able to solve properly the problem or their assignments.

The teacher gave additional points to the students who will perfect their quizzes and their assignments.

4) Varied Resources of Learning a. Textbook and workbook The teacher uses textbook in discussing and students are able to read their lesson in their textbook The teacher uses also workbooks for the students to apply what they had learned in the discussion. The teacher encourage the students to participate well in the class or in a discussion and answer correctly the problems on the workbook.

FIELD STUDY 2: EXPERIENCING THE TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS FOCUS I: Meaningful Learning Experiences 2nd Teacher: Mrs. Novelyn Fuller. FACTORS 1)Methods/ strategies a. Inductive/ Deductive The students are able to think ideas about the topic. The students are able to use the formula and are able to apply it on the problem. Students are able to think/solve fast on the spot problems. The students will think critically to the topic. The students are able to solve the problem by using the right formula. The teacher gives additional points to those who will solve correctly the problem. To those who will be able to solve the problem, she gives additional points COGNITIVE ABILITY METACOGNITIVE MOTIVATIONAL ABILITY PROCESS

b. Problem Solving

c. Board Exercises

Students are challenge to solve the problems and present it on the board.

2) Instructional Materials The students are able to understand well the lesson because of visual aids like chart. The students are able to think solutions to the problems before presenting it to the class. The students are able to think solutions to the problems before presenting it to the class. The students are able to analyze well what the teacher presents on the class. The teacher showed colored pictures related to their lesson so that the students would be motivated to listen to her discussion

a. Chart

b. Chalk and Board

The students are able to solve the problem on the board by using proper procedure.

The teacher challenge the students to solve on the board that gives encouragement

. 3) Assessment tools a. Giving of Assignments and Quizzes To test the students if they understand or not the lesson through the results of their quizzes. Through assignments, Clean and orderly students learned by output, additional reading or studying point. their assignments.

4) Varied Resources of Learning a. Textbook and workbook For enough references just to study well the lesson. She uses math workbook so that students are able to apply what they had learned on the discussion. The teacher gives additional points to students who have clean and orderly output and she dont accept it if it is dirty.


FOCUS I: Meaningful Learning Experiences 3rd Teacher: Mr Edilberto Ponce

1)Methods/ Strategies a. Inductive/ Deductive




To let the students think of the meaning of the word being asked. To let the students think of the formulas they will use in the problem.

For the students to be able to think critically about the lesson.

The teacher ask the students to think of words related to their lesson for them to understand the topic. The teacher encourage students to participate and write their answers on the board and he praises the students work.

b. Problem Solving

The students are able to apply the formulas and solve properly the problem.

2) Instructional Materials a. Chalk and board The students are able to understand well if the lesson are written on the board. The students are able to analyze the lesson because the lesson are presented on the board. The teacher let the students to write their answers on the board and he praises the students work.

3) Assessment tools a. Giving of Assignments and Quizzes To let the students recall what they had discussed and think of formulas to use. The students are able to apply what they had learned in the discussion and use the knowledge in solving. The teacher gives praises to those who have assignments especially those who will perfect it.

4) Varied Resources of Learning a. Textbook and workbook The teacher uses textbook in discussing and students are able to read their lesson in their textbook The teacher uses also workbooks for the students to apply what they had learned in the discussion. The teacher encourage the students to particioate well in the class or in a discussion and answer correctly the problems on the workbook.

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