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From: Morel,BrianP Sent: MonApr 05 16:43:34 2010 To: Sant, Randall; Albertin,MartinL.

Cc: Alberty, MarkW; Bodek, Robert; Bellow, Jonathan Zhang, M; Jianguo LeBleu, X., John B Subject: RE: MacondoSand'pressures lmportance:Normal Totallosses I 159bbls. are ----Original Message----From:Sant, Randall Monday, April05,2010 Serrl: ll:24 AM To: Albertin,Martin L.; Morel,Brian P Cc: Alberty,Mark W: Bodek, Roben: Bellow.Jonathan Zbatrg, M'. Jianguo LeBleu,JohnB X.: RE: pressures Subject: Macondo Sand Brian, packages Marty nrenlions his note.did rvehavelostcirculation them'/If so. Iu reference thetwo sands to tlut in in canyou quantifu lostvolume? thevhavehadlosses. StressCage the If a irnplementation not work asexpected. ma.\' Tlunks Randall Sanl V. PPFGSpecialist Exploration Production and Technology Group Dnlling Team- Houslon Direct: 281-366-8886 Nlobile:'713-244-4869 Ernail: santrb@bp.conr ---Original Message--From: Albertin. Martin L. April 05"2010I l:20 AM Sent: Monday. To: Sant, Randall Cc: Albe4v,Mark W; Morel,BrianP: Bodek.Robert; Bellow,Jonathan M Sublect: Macondo Sandpressures Randall, (see Brian Morel rnentioned rnightwantthe lalestsurprising plot). dalafrornMacondo PPFG attached .vou prcssurc Wc havccollcctcd Gcotap tvro mcasurcmcnts. bothlook to bc valid. Thc dccpcrmcasurcmcnt 180?9' and at TVDKB is in a sandlobeiust above rnainsandlobeu'edrilledyeslerda,v. deeper pressure lhe The lorv sandappears to be theproblematic one.andthe mostlikely candidate yesterdal"s event. for loss Thereis a thickertobeof sand - tool diedwhile attempting measure lessthan50 ft deeper geolap pressure flranthe deepesl measurement to its pressure.assunre will have sinrilar I it pressure a OurKB=75' TVDSS T\DKB PPG PSI FG (est) OB t 1 ' 7 2 2t 1 ' 7 e ' 7 4 . 1 5 t 3 0 8 2 1 3 4 6 0 1 14835 1 8 0 0 4 1 8 0 7 91 2 . 5 8 I l 8 l 5 1 3 9 t 2 15136 kt meknol u,hatotherdatavoumieht need.

Exhibir No. _ Worldwide Court Inc.


BP-HZN-2 17 9MDL0 824e22 0

lv{artv lvlartin L. Albertin Geophl'sical Ad'r'isor BP Deep'rvater Exploration 1 2 8 1 3 6 6 - 75 3 alberlnrl(?jbp.corn


BP-HZN- 9MDL00824923 217

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