Trex 03727

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From: Dqglas, Scherie D Sent Stm d,2523:11:35 2009 To:'lcanorl 46@cox.

ncf Sngcct Ro: lrrlc 252flJ01, - MW cfiange requect lmportancc: Normal Lynard" Thc leascnumberis OCS-C32306. I got sorne numbers. nurnbenI gaveyou weredownhole instead clarilicationon surfacsanddownhole The of numbers surface. Surface below. Max LOT (Surface MW Equivalent) 10.25ppg MW - 9-7ppg Cuncnt surfacc Max surtbce MW wcwill drill with - 9.95ppg Let meknow ifyor haveanyquesions.Thanksagain. Schcrie Scherie Douglas Sr. Regulatory Specialist BP Amcrka NOTICE: This message intcndcdonly for thc uscof the individual or cntity to which it is is "CONFIDENTLALITY addrcsscd maycontaininformationtlnt is confidcntial. If yor havcrccsircd this m$sagc in cnor, plcascnaifr and ilc sendcrimmdiately delelethe E-rnail andanyattachments from ymr computer liles. Thanhyor." and and -Qliginxl Message From:L Cancr <> To: Douglar.Schcrie D Cc:'Carter,Lynard'<LynardCarterr,> Scnt:SrmOct25 20:19:38 2009 request Sutjcct: RE: MC 232ffi1,. MW change pumuant thc emailbclowandour convcrsatio4BP rcqucslto Scheric, to change mudweightto l0 ppg is approved. the Please notcthis approvalin yourweeklyactivityrport,andif you haveanyqustions conceming this maucrplease me contact via emailor phone. Thanks" LynardCarter Slorkwer Engineer MMS Ncw Odeans District (sm'r714-6745

--riginat Mcragc-Frorn:Douglas, D Scherie I nrailto:Scherie.Douglas@bp.conr] Scnt:Sunday', Octobcr 2009 I l:00 AM 25,

ExhibitNo. _ WorldwideCourt Reportcrs, tii.


1 BP-HZN-2 T9MD 027 482 L 47


To: harterl, request Su$ect:MC 252#001- Mw change Lynard, Perour conversation moming,we are requesting this approval drill th to remaindr lhe currentholsection with a 10.0ppg mw. of ppg LOT at 22" shoe: 10.38 Current depth: 82fi)'nd MW: 9.7ppg Current Anticipatedsettingdepthfor 18": 9900md AnticipatedMW at hole section TD: 10.0ppg porepressure We believe areseeing in we our'minimum case" scenario the well which hasrcsultcdin a lowcr thancxpcctcd frac gradicnt-Weplan to drill thc rqnain&r of this holc scctionwith a 10.0ppg MW (APD has 10.6 ppg). Wc havea poreprE;sure specialists lh erig andwill bc monitoring on datain real tim. Werequest approval drill to holc sectionTD (9900) with rp to a 10.0 lo PPgMW Let rneknow if you requireadditiorul information.Thanks. Scherie Douglas 7t1-702-7673


1 L 47 BP.HZN.2 79MD 027 4e3


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