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From: Bums, A Tim Sent:FriJun'19 15.

00 2009 14 To: Mcneill, Rory; Reed, James Sepulvado, T; MurryR; Sepulvado, RonaldW; Deepwater Horizon, Formen; Deepwater Horizon, Engineers Subject FW:TiberPerformance lmportance: Normal

Nice work guvs. Businessas usual for tlre Horizon "A Team".



Thierens, Han_vH

Sent: Fridav- June 19,2009 8:::1 .A-\4 Tu; Ccr Little. Iar: Lacy. Kcviu Rainoy, David I; ThmetL Sims, David Cl Gui&. John RE:TiberPerlormance Jay C; Lear_v.Michrel J


performance' greatwork, sincere This is outstanding thanksto all H

}'rom: Little, lm

S'enl: Thurslav. June I 8- 2009 9:26 AM To: Cc: Subictj Lary, Kevin: Thierms, Han_wH; Rairey- David I; Thoneth, Jay C: lery. Sims. David Cl Guide. .Iohn Tiba lsformmce Michael J et al Iust to let you know that the Tiber rvell through the Paleocenehas been delivered at Top Quartile performance, eren with the exlensive appraisal loggingprogranrat 35 DD/l0k. Also,for referencc, ne only includedry hote logging if the performance is 32 DD/10k. We are also likely about to set the deepestliner that BP has run in the COlvl and likely u'orldtvide - \re are checkrng this. << File: Tiber PaleocenePerformance vs Benchnr,ark.ppt>> Tharks. Ian.

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.


BP-HZN-2 7eMDL0 1 130e1 42

BP-HZN-2179DLo 309 42 M 1 1

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