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InvestigationsWhattesting the AMF was completed of on...

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DWH -Investigation rrrEJtr:rgtrvrr


I Dl';f In\:rtiqiilui r Ir\,.st !ilir|5 ) $hrt iirtini )i:nL' r!t: r,ins .!ftr!:jieii Jn rtr.ri-r rn: Dlrtn)

What testing of the AMFwas completedon boardthe DWH? I Investigations:

X.r.l.L:ii,: y"*,"1I l.{:T.ilrs:els''l i .iJvr;,rnr,st;ry
Question By Category Investigation Title leam Lend Asiqned To Asgocinled Root Crs!e Diagram Ref. Arei ot lhvestl{ntloh HaSthe AMF:vcr bccn tcsfcd? What are Transocean'srequarements? 'Mark Hay, not in I years." Went throuqh all Et'tPAC,Rttts ahd emails, I have also requested info from Cameron on the sEM over halls . Looked through all available docs and peEonal interviews. yes lmail< for mik. fry to riE. Thc AIqF was t.sted at Cam.rcn as far as th SEM'Swlrc conc.hcd, but thay were not tested as a complete unit using all pErts from the sEM's to tfie ram. dlere is Cameron do6 $at suDDofrthis but I am unable to link whlch SEIY'9 were done at Cameron at which time due to there beino no sedal numbera used lust part numbers and job numbers. The AMF was tcsted at Cameron as far as tire SEM'Swere conccmed, but thcy weie not tested as a complete unit usinq all parts froh the SEF{'S the ram. to
There needs to be a yearly test of this system (hanged) (after the batteries have bn

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Toil::on. ahris (!lVH tunil

AMFTesting OnboardDWH f.jrr. L3r itrljlD.rl I iorD, i?obeii. iH.uslof)



Method of Investigation Evidence / Doc. Suppo4 Documentr Used summiry of Investigation


Othcr Percent Complete 100o/o Yes

InvedigationComplete To) {By Assigned Legal Legil EV Review Review Conrpleted Completed


Invedigatiof, Drte Tifrelin T,meline Te-n


Ugdate Updatd gy

Lead Sign Olf Closed Ost Date/Time ilh-flvUl52q - ,lW-Cv-UuI6/95.Ft cAH_ClV_N1ff 75 - CS_CIV_oU164El.|!l CAH-CIV-o015743 - CAM-CIV_001675r.pdf cail-clv_J015735, C{M_CrV_001581r.ljf

Investigation ConpletFd AnachmcnB


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Exhibit No. Worldwide Court lnc. 5&VersionNo:1.. 6/15/2011 . CONFIDENTIAL TRN.INV.O1O28927


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