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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mike,

(Houston) Labesse, ncois Fra Wednesday, 05,20103:03PM May Holmes, Mike(Houston) (Houston); Moore, Jimmy Borst, Tony(Houston) RE:grs DWH RE:Horizon

Shortly atterthe incident, operations cameto us firstto makesurethe POBwouldno longer visible be andthenrequested thatthewelldatabe lockecl down(seeattached). Thisis the onlyrequest got. we lf historicalQHSE related reports needto be hidden well,just let us knowanrJ $/illmakenecessary as we ASAP. changes Bestregards Francois

From: Holmes, Mike(Houston) Sent: Wednesday, 05, 2010 8:39 AM May (Houston) To: Labesse, Francois Gc: Moore, Jimmy(Houston) Subject FW:grs DWH Francois, As followup to my voicemailplease seeemailbelow fromArthurDutton regarding legacy DWHdataavailable GRS. I in am notsurewhatthe lockdownmandate was butthe datais certainly available GRSto Feb2010. Further thatthere in to is stilla largeamount dataavailable GMS. I pulledup an Incident in of Report dated10 Aprit2010. I can seethe rig has beenremoved frommanysearchlistsbutis stillavailable manyof theQHSEmodules in including lncident SQA,FOCUS, Reports, HSEMeetings Drills, & etc. Regards, Mike Holmes ss Corporate HSE Advisor From: Moore, Jimmy(Houston) Sent: Wednesday, 05, 2010B:00AM May To: Holmes, Mike(Houston) Subject FW:grsDIMH FYIas discussed. Regards Moore ss Jimmy Director QHSE of Transocean Deepwater Offshore Drilling Jimmr-Edoore@deeprsaleLcqn plse n$te rny rlew smail 6ddr*ss office-713-232711 mobile-713-231-4543 "Our operations will be conducted in an incident free workplace. All the time, everywhere."

From: Dutton,Arthur (Luanda) Sent: Wednesday, 05, 20105:33AM May To: Moore, Jimmy(Houston)

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.



Adrian(Houston) Cc: Rose, Subject: grs DWH Jimmy/Adrian, whatyou aredoing. eventsand I do appreciate busyrightnowwithcurrent lknow you guy'sare extremely Justwantedto makeyou awarethat eventhoughGMSaccessto DWHdatais shutdown,mostof the historicdataup to fromgrs online. Feb2010is slill available Regards Arthur 't:,:' Arthur p'g11611 S QHSE Manager West Africa South Division Luanda, Angola Angola Local(+244)22642 aOA AngolaVSAT (+44) 1224410583ext4024 (a24)923 639980 AngolaMobile


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