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From:Cocales, W Brelt Sent WedMar1421'.11'.

33 2010 MarkE To: Hafle, Subject RE:MMSQuestions/Comments lmportance: llormal positionuntil we get right, but we aregoingto try on the basisthat it is in a precarious You maybe for cement it. across What is the downside the MMS to do this for safeops. BestRegands, Brett

From: Hafle,i4,ark E March 20103:06PM 10, Sent: Wednesday, To: Cocales, BrettW Subject RE:MMS Questbns/Comments qualilication pod luckwithlhatspin. if wellis dead, there nota wellcontrol is

Frorn: Cocalc, BrettW March 20102:56PM 10, Sent: Wednesday, To: Hafle,MarkE Subjecb RE:MMS Questions/Commenb we We'reworking it. Scherie informthemwe can'tdo what theyareasking. If necessary, will have will get anBOP extension until we finishkitling well and set I call. We shouldbe ableto a conference cement plug.



From: Hafle,MarkE March10, 2010 12:58 PM Sent: Wednesday, Brett W To: Douglas,Scherie Guidg John; Morel,BrianP; Cocales, D; Subject RE:MMSQuestions/Comrnents tMrat is the requiremenl a hydrocarbon for zone? we havea 5'sbinger lhat sholvsresistivity

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.

1 BP-HZN-279MD100285036


This is belowthe underreamer,so we cannotperbrate to put cementacrosslhis zone.

From: Douglas, Scherie D Sent Wednesday, March10, 2010 12:48 PM To: Guide,John; Morel,BrianP; Hafle,MarkE; Cocale, BrettW 5u bJect MMSQuestions/Commenb Importancs High John/Brian. Franksent me an emailaskingif lhere are any hydrocarbon bearingzonesbelow12,900'. He also retumedthe permitwiththese commenb: Errors & Comments; NOTES:Before step l5 the BOP's should be tested. If there are HC zonesbelow the plug they should have cement across them by perfing the DC's. Status So - he is basically sayingwe haveto test BOPsafterkillingthe well. I can find out if David Trocquetis in lhe oflice and set up a call to him to discuss- Frank does not have the aulhorityto grantan extensbn past killingthe well. Let me knovy. ftherie Douglcn Sr-Regulotory & Adwnncg AduLsor BP Exploration & Prarlucl.ionInc. z8ta66-6843 bfftce) zrs-zoe.z6z3 (eA)
"CONFIDET|TIAUW NATICE: Ttris meoge lhe use ofthe inilividualorentrQr fo u'ir'ch il is is iztwdedonfufor addressed ardmoy containinformationthat is mnfidentiaL If youhaw rccar'r'ed tlis nressagein enor,pleose notifu the xndcr immcdiatcly and deletc thc E mailand ang attachmcnb fiom ymr mmputerandfles Tha*


BP-HZN-279MD100285037 1

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