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From: Morel,BrianP Sent: Tue Mar 16 20:59:04201Q To: Miller.

Richard A Subject:RE: Macondo sidetrack APB & lmportance: Normal Ansuers in belorv red. Thanks thehelp. for
Frcm: Millcn Richard A

Sent: Tuesday,March 16,2010 3:50 PM l'o: Morel. tsrim P Macondo sidclnck & APB


I I deleteda bunch ofthe cxtendedemail chain and changedthe subjectline. ] Could you pleaseconfirm the following geomelrv: 16" intermediatecasing (tied back at 5221' so about l2(l' of 22" open rvith 1.25" W'T) l3-5i8" drilling liner hung offbelow 16" (Yes - 400'lap) I l-7l8" liner hung inside I 3-518"(Yes - 300' lap) 9-718"drilling liner hung inside I I -7l8" (Yes - 300' lep) F-ullstring of 9-J/8" x7" productioncasing (Yes) l M r i f e I ' n r a s k i n g , r v h a t T " a r e w e n r n n i nD ? n ' t k n o w y e l , c o u l d b e T " C l l 0 - j 2 p p F o r 7 - 5 1 8 " 3 9 p p f Q l 2 . 5 . s t i t l (go trying to figure out rvhat'savailirble:rndwlrat h:r-s producti.on rated connections it) orr Do rve still anticipatea TD MW of 14.4-14.6ppS? (My schedulei just updatedis shorving 14.5-14.7ppg) I don't lhink this changesAPB mitigation, regardless 7' TOC. We havent addedany trappedannuli to the of original plan. Regardless, want to updatemy files to reflect the current plan. I Thank
Frcm: li{ocl Briar P

Sent: Tu6dry, \{arch 16, 2010 I :56 Plvi To: lvlillm. Richrud A RE: lvtaondo erpandable vs. cuvmtional liner


Rich. 'fhanks

for this tvrite up. Horveler, due 1oour kick and changein pore pressure designhas completelvchanged. the I have altachedu'hal we are looking at nory. One of the issuesI am seeingis that there is potential rrye rvill cement the 7" back up inlo 9-718" linerbecause is rvithin 500'oflhe producliveinln,al. I knorvthat mosl designs it assurrle this is alreadyblocked due to baritc sag.butjust rvantedto get your opinion on this and our designto make sure therc isn't anyllring elsewe needto considcr. Thank You, Brian Morel << File: MacondoProduction StringDesign3-15-20l0.rls>>

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court




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