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ICode of Federal Regulations] 30, Volume 2] ITltle [Revj-sed as of July 1, 20IO] From the U.S. Government printing ICITE: 30CFR250.4201 I P a g e 3 5 3 - 3 5 4] TITLE 3O-_MINERAL RESOURCES CHAPTER II--MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE. DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR of Conrencs



GpO Access

P A R T 2 5 0 - O I L A N D G A S A N D S U L P H U RO P E R A T I O N SI N T H E O U T E R C O N T f N E N T A L SHELF--Tabfe Subpart sec. 250.420 what well D_Oil and cas Dril11ng Operatlons must I meet?

casi-ng and cementing requirements

You must case and cement alr wel1s. your casinq and cementing programs must meet the requi-rements of this section and of sec. sec. 250.42L through 250.428. (a) casing and cementing program requirements. your casingr and cementing programs must: (1) Properly controf formation pressures and ffuids; (2) Prevent the direct or indirect release of fluids from anv stratum through the wellbore into offshore waters; (3) Prevent communication between separate hydrocarbon-bearing sErata; [ [Page 354]l (,4) Protect freshwater aquifers from contamination; and (5) Support unconsofj-dated sediments. (b) Casj"ng requirements. (1) you must design casing (including liners) to withstand the anticipated stresses imposed by tensile, compressive, and buck]ing loads; burst and collapse pressures; thermal_ effects; and combinations thereof. (2) The casi-ng design must incl-ude safety measures that ensure weff control during drilling and safe operations during the life of the welr. (c) cementing requirements. you must design and conduct your iohs cemcnfinc Jv r v v r q n t h f . a m 6 n f r u u u r r L p r . r s i c i o n ,p l a c e m e n t t e c h n i q u e S , a n d waitinq times ensure that the cement placed behlnd the bottom 500 feet of casing atrains a minimum compressive strengrth of 500 psi before drilring o u t o f t h e c a s i n g o r b e f o r e c o m m e n c i - n gc o m p l e t i o n o p e r a t i o n s . [68 FR 8423, Feb. 20, 2AO3l

Exhibit No. Wortdwide Court


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