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From:Cunningham, Erick S e n t :T u e J a n1 2 1 6 : 1 6 : 02 0 1 0 4 To: Kellingray, DarylS Subject:RE: HAL? lmportance:Normal Daryl, Tha.nks this. this is goodlist.

for progress, seems bea to this I just needto figureout horvto gain some controloverGolvlcementing rnake to it I am afraidis goingto takea bit longerthanI rvanted to. significant challenge that Regards, Erick

Erick Cunningham EPT-Houston l|/estem Hemisphere Cementing cial ist Spe Olfice:-l 281366 1573 cell +I 2817739267

From: Kellingray,Dary1S 12,2010l:52 AM Sent:Tuesday, January To: Cunningham, Erick Subject: RE: HAL? info aboutshale I hadthe KCL battlewith Halliburtonrvhen first gotinrrclved I rvith GOM andtheyhavesome (andstill is) sonuny However rvhichI think is at bestnrisunderstood at worstnonserrse. there w'as slability and otherthingsthat needsorting in GOM it wasa battleI put on thebackburner. for the Tsrrspect part it did addto our costs it allowed irr but as thenr put in a blending to charge eversack hopefirlly ncwcontract stoppcd practiccandwc now should this only payfor thc I(Cl (at somcpoint FSCMdo nccdto do an auditof this t'?e of thing). The conffact doessaythat anydry blendadditionshould BP approved be if its to I hadtlre sirms argument the addingl0-15?ir our around ez flo product, you look at the2 together probably point rs probably of the took me 4 yearsto getteams using bulk costbul your second one FLAC and why Schlumberger willing to usefoam,I've argued with bothHalliburtonandSchlurnberger do theyneed of couldtheyplease demonstrate valueandr,vithout all beingon ground the timeto makea nuisance myselfthey have bothmanaged ignoremefor thelast3 vears.Prior to the contracting to work I wasbeginning makeheadway to rei,erted but in thelast 2 years whereI wastedup a lot of the thingsI hadtacklod backto before. Mv priority lostfor GOlv{(in termsof slunies)was: - gettingbiocidein all spacers behindcasing left

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Renorters. [nc.

34281 BP-HZ N-217?MDL007



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